
  • 网络dare to be
  1. 在头脑中修正自己的想法是可耻的&亲爱的瓶子们,勇敢做你自己吧。

    It would be a shame to edit yourself while you brainstorm-be yourself , dear Aquarius .

  2. 有这么个孩子勇敢地做自己,敢于出柜,而深爱他的父亲也会放弃自己的旧观念继续爱他。

    It 's the son who finds the courage to come out as who he is , and the father whose love for that son overrides everything he 's been taught .

  3. 只要对生活的态度是正面的,积极的,那么就勇敢地做你自己,而不要太在意别人的评价。

    Just be yourself and pay little attention to others'comments on you as long as your attitude toward life is positive and active .