
jūn lǚ
  • armies;troops
军旅 [jūn lǚ]
  • [army] 即军队

  1. 它是高天军旅的灯塔,在天空照耀。

    Being an instrument of the armies on high , shining gloriously in the Armament of heaven .

  2. 第二部分主要分析九十年代军旅文学中的英雄形象塑造的背景。

    In the second part it mainly analyzes the background of figuring the hero image in the armies literature in 1990s ' .

  3. 军旅事务使她基本上无法脱身。

    She was basically fenced in by what the military wanted to do

  4. .军旅里有很多不寻常的故事,但陆军上尉ScottySmiley故事更是与众不同。

    Well , there are so many amazing stories within the ranks of our military , but none quite like Army Captain Scotty Smiley .

  5. 我是说,她是狐狸,而不是刺猬。按照古希腊军旅诗人阿尔基洛科斯(Archilochus)公元前7世纪的定义:狐狸知道很多事,但刺猬只知道一件大事。

    I mean she is a fox and not a hedgehog , according to the definition offered in the seventh century BC by the Greek poet and soldier Archilochus : The fox knows many things , but the hedgehog knows one big thing .

  6. 中国古代军旅文学的艺术特点与时代价值

    The Artistic Characteristics and Contemporary Values of Chinese Ancient Military Literature

  7. 我在回忆我的军旅生涯。

    I was harking back to my time in the army .

  8. 他的军旅生涯给他留下深深的心灵创伤。

    His experiences in the army left him deeply scarred .

  9. 20世纪90年代以来军旅小说的通俗化倾向及叙事策略

    Tendency Towards Popularization and Narrative Strategy of Military Novels Since 1990 's

  10. 英雄神话在军旅题材电视剧中的消解与重构

    The Mythology of Hero in the Chinese Military TV Plays

  11. 新时期军旅文学人性书写的嬗变

    The Transmutation of Humanity Writing in the Military Literature of New Period

  12. 你说过军旅拳赛是对所有学员开放的。

    You said the brigades were open to all midshipmen .

  13. 我即将结束五十年的军旅生涯。

    I am closing my fifty years of military service .

  14. 我对职业军旅生涯没有兴趣。

    I wasn 't interested in being a career soidier .

  15. 他坚持说他的军旅生活很悲惨。

    He maintained that he led a dog 's life in the army .

  16. “优秀军旅短信传播”活动启动

    PLA media kick off " circulation of excellent short messages on army life "

  17. 军旅生涯的渐淡、人生的初起步。

    The troops career is gradually thin , the early start of the life .

  18. 我想说我的军旅记录并不是特别出色。

    Let me say that my service record was not a particularly unusual one .

  19. 这年轻人很快就适应了军旅生活。

    The youngster soon adjusted to army life .

  20. 翁万达的军旅生涯和典边韬略

    WENG Wanda 's military career and frontier-governing strategy

  21. 军旅元素在休闲装设计中的运用

    Applications of troop element in leisure fashion design

  22. 过滤理想的书写&论十七年军旅小说的英雄塑造模式

    Writing an ideal filter & On the novel 's hero mold 17 years old models

  23. 军旅骆驼王赵振元

    Zhao Zhenyuan , Camel King in Army

  24. 我们必须牢记我们的人们正在过艰苦的军旅生活。

    We should remember that our men are having a hard time in the army .

  25. 这些男男女女远离家乡来这里挑起军旅生活的重担。

    These men and women are carrying the burdens of military life far from home .

  26. 对军旅营体制后勤管理的思考军旅营体制生活保障模式探讨

    Briefly on the model of living support under the system of army brigade and battalion

  27. 军旅诗古来有之,但获得概念认证是在当代。

    Military Poems in there , but to obtain certification is a concept in contemporary .

  28. 则是他对我一名军旅歌唱演员的最大安慰和鼓励。

    He told me it is one of the greatest singers Military comfort and encouragement .

  29. 军旅拳击锦标赛将在八周后开始。

    Brigades tournament begins in eight weeks .

  30. 世纪之交军旅小说创作的突围表演

    The " Breakthrough " Performance of Novels with Military Themes at the Turn of the Century