
  • 网络hard to understand
  1. 他过去常作些极其乏味、晦涩难懂而且令人非常厌烦的演讲。

    He used to make extremely dull , turgid and frankly boring speeches

  2. 父亲的这段笔记更加晦涩难懂。

    My father 's notes are more cryptic here .

  3. 这些合同的语言晦涩难懂。

    The contracts are written in obscure language

  4. 他的书出了名的晦涩难懂。

    His books are notoriously impenetrable .

  5. 他的话很晦涩难懂。

    His words were quite opaque .

  6. 输出结果可能有些晦涩难懂,但是如果您有一个快速的Internet链接,卷屏的速度应该相当快。

    The output will look rather unintelligible , and should scroll by relatively quickly if you have a fast Internet connection .

  7. 如果异常被JS解释器抛出,异常消息因为JS的简化通常晦涩难懂。

    If an exception is thrown by the JS interpreter , the message will typically be extremely cryptic due to the nature of JS minification .

  8. Merb团队加入后带来的都是些很棒的主意,包括关注到框架中晦涩难懂的部分,更快更轻量级的内部实现,以及一些“美味可口”的API。

    There are all the good ideas brought over from when the Merb team joined the party and brought a focus on framework agnosticism , slimmer and faster internals , and a handful of tasty APIs .

  9. 而工程师和财经分析人士则通过有时晦涩难懂的基础架构名称来认识汽车,比如Epsilon,MCM和PQ35。

    Engineers and financial analysts , by contrast , think of cars by the sometimes less friendly designations given their underlying architectures : epsilon , MCM and PQ35 .

  10. 当然,微软件的动作是很快的,他们立刻修正了问题&创造了ATL,有些像MFC,只是名字不同,他们想使用漂亮的ATL把那些晦涩难懂的COM的知识给隐藏住。

    They forthwith corrected that problem by creating ATL , which is like MFC , only different , and tried to hide all those fascinating details that the COM group was trying so hard to teach us .

  11. 如果只是照搬文字的逐字翻译,译出的文章一定晦涩难懂。

    And the word for word translation only makes it obscure .

  12. 现代语言学方向考生:诗歌应该晦涩难懂吗?

    Modern languages candidates : Should poetry be difficult to understand ?

  13. 我喜欢看晦涩难懂的纪录片,喜欢听不同寻常的播客。

    I enjoy watching obscure documentaries and listening to unusual podcasts .

  14. 有时其严密的科研方法可能会有些晦涩难懂。

    At times its rigorously research-led approach can be slightly heavy going .

  15. 他把消息有意写得晦涩难懂。

    His message was written in a deliberately elliotical style .

  16. 一些评论家认为他的作品充满了晦涩难懂的文字表达。

    Some critics think that his works are full of weird expressions .

  17. 有动机的语言不会是无意义的晦涩难懂的话。

    The language of motivation is free of meaningless gibberish .

  18. 他的作品里充斥着晦涩难懂的文学引言。

    His writing is full of obscure literary references .

  19. 这些词语对那些外行人来说一般是晦涩难懂的。

    These words are usually unintelligible to those who are outside the specialty .

  20. 虽然如此,还有少数作品仍然有些晦涩难懂。

    Even so , a few remain rather obscure and hard to understand .

  21. 听上去,这无疑像是用一种晦涩难懂的理论,推导出了一些显而易见的普遍规律。

    It certainly sounds like an obscure theory has spawned some obvious generalisations .

  22. 如果他们的话听起来晦涩难懂,那他们很可能是故意的。

    If they sound unintelligible , it 's probably because they want to .

  23. 一些学者依然打定主意要使用晦涩难懂的语言。

    Some academics are still determined to be unintelligible .

  24. 对我来说,这幅油画晦涩难懂。

    To me that painting is completely meaningless .

  25. 提高债务上限的协议十分复杂,晦涩难懂。

    The debt-ceiling agreement is complicated and opaque .

  26. 她引经据典的风格晦涩难懂。

    Her allusive style is difficult to follow .

  27. 为什么?因为错误处理不应该把代码的逻辑弄得晦涩难懂。

    Why ? Because error handling should not obfuscate the logic of the code .

  28. 这些协议的工作原理不同,而且在理解上也比较晦涩难懂。

    These protocols are different in working principle , and too obscure to understand .

  29. 现在它们被分割成抵押担保证券,其中还包括晦涩难懂的衍生产品。

    Now they are sliced into mortgage-backed securities , which include arcane derivative products .

  30. 有些作家文体晦涩难懂。

    Some authors write in an involved style .
