
  • 网络logos;Logic
  1. 在西方的形而上学&科学史上,“逻各斯”(logos)一词的原初意义本只是言、说(“它是”)。

    In the history of western metaphysics , the original meaning of logos is saying ( it is ) .

  2. 赫拉克利特挖掘了思维中“逻各斯”的认知能力;

    Heraclitus reveals the cognitive capacity of Logos in thinking .

  3. 斐洛的逻各斯学说及其神学意义

    On Philo 's Doctrines of the Logos and Its Theological Significance

  4. 逻各斯化身成耶稣形象,展现于宇宙结构中。

    Logos is imprinted everywhere in the entire structure of the universe .

  5. 其次,人不仅仅是逻各斯的动物,非理性的厄洛斯永远困扰着人类的理性文明。

    Secondly , the irrationality of eros will perplex the rational civilization forever .

  6. 道、逻各斯与社会历史变动&关于中西哲学范畴比较的一点思考

    Dao , Logos and Social and Historical Changes

  7. 逻各斯和努斯的提出构成了理性精神的最初形态,逻各斯代表了客体性原则,而努斯蕴含了主体性原则。

    The primary form of the rational spirit is formed by Logos and Nous .

  8. 她的首要因素是逻各斯。

    Its dominant element is the logos .

  9. “逻各斯”概念中的理性思想在希腊化时代逐步成熟。

    The rationality in the concept " logos " was gradually maturing in Hellenistic times .

  10. 德里达认为西方诗学文化传统的形而上学就是以逻各斯为中心的。

    Derrida thinks that the center of metaphysics in the western cultural traditional is logos .

  11. 中国古典诗学逻各斯中心的现代解构

    Modern Annotation of Chinese Classical Poetry

  12. 诗意地栖居与逻各斯向往&试论于坚诗歌的审美追求与精神内涵

    Poetic Dwelling and Logos Yearning : on the Aesthetic Pursuit and Poetic Spirit in Yu Jian 's Poems

  13. 后现代主义在世界范围内掀起了一场针对传统逻各斯中心主义的颠覆运动。

    The Postmodernism has around the world raised in view of the traditional Logos center principle subversion movement .

  14. 分身犹如圣经实证主义中的逻各斯。

    " Fen Shen " is akin to the concept of " Logos "– the Word-expounded in biblical positivism .

  15. 他主张“逻各斯”是神圣的但并非上帝,是半神半人。

    He taught that the " logos " was divine but less than god , a sort of demigod .

  16. 这是一种彻底的文本中心主义,是由古希腊肇其端的理性主义或逻各斯中心主义思维方式造成的结果。

    This is a thorough text-centrism , a result of the thinking modes of rationalism or logos-centrism originating from ancient Greek .

  17. 用辩论的术语来说,逻各斯与圣父的实质是不相同的。

    In the technical language of the debate the " Logos " was not of the same substance as the Father .

  18. 人是逻各斯的动物,语言的本质即为逻各斯。

    Language is the existence of the people * people are the animals of logos , the essence of language is the logos .

  19. 西方新史学与后现代主义思潮同步,是在史学领域对西方传统形而上学或逻各斯中心主义的颠覆。

    Western new historiography goes together with postmodernism , which is the subversion of Western traditional metaphysics and Logos centralism from a historical perspective .

  20. 在基督教哲学中,“逻各斯”被赋予丰富的神学意义,成为连接希腊文明与基督教文化的一个纽带。

    In Christian philosophy , " logos " was equiped with abundant theological meaning . Hence a link between Greek civilization and Christian culture .

  21. 在对理性逻各斯的扬弃和对感性自由的追求中,浪漫主义文学发现了人类存在的荒诞性。

    In the process of pursuing the perceptual freedom and abandoning the rational logic , the absurdity of human existence is discovered by romantic literature .

  22. 尽管伙伴关系具有强烈的乌托帮性质,但性别诗学指向的却是对理性逻各斯的否定以及对诗意艺术精神的追求。

    Although the relationship of partnership bears a Utopia tinge , sexual poetics is in pursuit of poetic sentiment and it negates the rational logic .

  23. 在哲学领域内统治西方两千多年的逻各斯中心主义思想(即理式)在当代受到许多人不约而同地质疑。

    The logo centrism that rules the western philosophical field for more than two thousand years is questioned by many scholars spontaneously in contemporary time .

  24. 逻各斯易于隐藏,大多数人对它视而不见,但又随时遇到。

    This logos tends to conceal itself , and the great majority of the people turn a blind eye to it although they constantly encounter it .

  25. 古希腊人对逻各斯的惊异成就了古希腊的早期哲学,成为整个西方哲学的开端。

    It is the wonder at Logos that had led to early ancient Greek philosophy which has been considered as the beginning of the western philosophy .

  26. 误读,如果从逻各斯中心主义的对立范式看,误读乃正读的反面,是一种疏忽,一种偏向,实不可取。

    According to the Logocentric paradigm , misunderstanding is the opposition of " reading ", is an oversight and a bias , which is desirable in fact .

  27. 从生命逻各斯到意识形态逻各斯&论伦理与传播的契合及其发展利用对应分析得出5种疾病与血瘀兼证的相关距离表。

    On the Correspondence of Ethics and Communication Correspondence analysis was applied to get the table of correlated distance between disease and subtype of syndrome of blood stasis .

  28. 在古典存在论(是论)中,真理异变为真知,逻各斯成为思“它是”(逻辑地说),而存在则被做成是者。

    In the classical ontology , aletheia changed into true knowledge , logos changed into contemplating " it is "( logically speaking ), and physis changed into Being .

  29. 在张隆溪《道与逻各斯&东西方文学阐释学》中,存在着哲人的矛盾、诗人的矛盾、作者自身的矛盾。

    In ZHANG Longxi 's Doctrines and Logos-An Interpretation of Eastern and Western Literature , there exist the contradictions of the philosopher , the poet and the author himself .

  30. 逻各斯、真理和正义是形而上学的三个核心概念,形而上学就是以这三个概念建立起自己的体系并影响到传统诗学的。

    Metaphysic has three core conceptions of logos , truth and justice , on the basis of which metaphysic built it 's own system and affected the traditional poetic .