
  • 网络Logical positivism;logic positivism;logicalpositivism
  1. 到了现代,科学主义又以逻辑实证主义、经验批判主义和实验主义等形式出现。

    Up to modern times , scientism again exists as the forms of logical positivism , empiric-criticism and experimentalism etc.

  2. 普特南(H,Putnam)站在新实用主义立场上,批判了逻辑实证主义割裂事实与价值从而否定伦理学客观性的观点;

    From a neo-pragmatistic standpoint , H. Putnam criticizes Logical positivism which holds fact / valuedistinction and negates the objectivity of ethics .

  3. 然而,强纲领SSK走向逻辑实证主义的另一个极端,否定了自然在认识中的基础地位,只强调社会因素的意义,从而导致对客观性的全面解构,走向了相对主义。

    However , the strong program SSK leads to another extreme & to negative natural basic position in cognition and only emphasize social factors meaning . As a result , SSK deviates from the objectivity completely and walks up to the relativism .

  4. SSK的工作在一定意义上意味着科学从逻辑实证主义的象牙塔中解放出来,使科学哲学的研究走向科学实践、从宏观的叙事走向经验案例的利益、地域文化与性别的分析。

    The work of SSK predicates that science has been liberated from the tower of ivory of logical positivism and scientific philosophy research trends to scientific practice , macroscopical narration moves forward to the analysis of experienced cases interests and regional culture and sexuality .

  5. 逻辑实证主义经验证实原则探析

    Of Confirmation Principle of the Logic Substantial Evidence Doctrine Experience

  6. 这也是他与早期逻辑实证主义的主要区别。

    This was the main difference between his theory and logic positivism .

  7. 论逻辑实证主义的科学观及其局限

    The Scientific View of Logic Positivism and Its Limitation

  8. 经验主义是逻辑实证主义和杜威哲学的共同前提。

    Empiricism is the common ground of logical positivism and John Dewey 's philosophy .

  9. 他的意义理论与逻辑实证主义的理论是否有区别?

    Is there a distinction between Dummett 's theory of meaning and positivists ' ?

  10. 美国描写结构主义实际是站在逻辑实证主义的肩膀上;

    The descriptive structuralism of United States stood on the shoulder of the logic_positivism .

  11. 道德的客观性何以可能?评普特南的道德客观性思想及其与逻辑实证主义的分歧事实与价值的分离与融通艾耶尔与普特南的观点与启示

    How Is Moral Objectivity Possible ? The Division and Fusion of Fact and Value

  12. 对科学的人文价值的忽视&逻辑实证主义科学观及其缺陷

    The Overlooking of the Humanistic Value of Science

  13. 语言实在论&逻辑实证主义的意外奉献

    Linguistic Realism : Unforeseen Contributions of Logical Positivism

  14. 普特南认为逻辑实证主义重新解释科学的倾向恰恰是逻辑实证主义运动出现失误的根源。

    The redefinition of science is the root of the mistake of the logical positivism .

  15. 形而上学的境遇&逻辑实证主义哲学与马克思主义哲学的方法比较

    Circumstances of " Metaphysics " & A Comparison on Philosophical Methods Between Logical Positivism and Marxism

  16. 逻辑实证主义的本体论基础

    The Ontological Base of Logical Positivism

  17. 逻辑实证主义的历史渊源

    The Origin of Logical Positivism

  18. 它直接影响了以维也纳学派为代表的逻辑实证主义和后来的语言分析哲学;

    It directly affected Vienna Circle on behalf of logical comtism and the philosophy of language analysis ;

  19. 长期以来,在教育评价理论与实践领域,传统的逻辑实证主义价值中立原则始终居于主导地位。

    As a rationalistic paradigm , traditional theories and practices of educational evaluation usually focus on the value-free principle .

  20. 科学心理学为我们连接逻辑实证主义维度、历史维度和社会维度提供了一个联结点。

    The psychology of science provides a link for us to connect logical positivism dimension , historical dimension and social dimension .

  21. 追其根源,是传统科学哲学代表逻辑实证主义的科学主义观偏向造成的。

    The root of those problem is the scientific view bias of traditional philosophy of scientific which representing the Logical positivism .

  22. 卡纳普是二十世纪的重要哲学家之一。他是逻辑实证主义的一个领导性倡议者。

    Rudolf carnap * Was a leading exponent of logical positivism and was one of the major philosophers of the twentieth century .

  23. 罗杰斯的科学观是从对逻辑实证主义的质疑开始的,本着真正的科学精神,不断反思,最终形成了科学观方法与体证观方法相整合的新思路。

    Rogers 's scientism began with doubt to logical positivism and finally found a new approach consisting of scientism method and positivism method .

  24. 科克从认知病理学的角度对现代心理学中操作主义、逻辑实证主义、分忻模式等理论和实践进行了批判,并且对心理学作为一门统一、独立的学科提出了质疑。

    From the perspective of cognitive pathology , Koch criticized the theoretical base of modern psychology , which was operationism , logical positivism .

  25. 该著扬言,哲学之一切重要问题,概为之所解决,故尤受反形而上学之逻辑实证主义者推崇。

    It claimed to solve all the major problems of philosophy and was held in especially high esteem by the anti-metaphysical logical positivists .

  26. 由此可以证明唯心主义、实证主义??包括逻辑实证主义,以及现象学彻底错了。

    From the above conclusions , it is easy to prove that idealism , positivism including logical positivism , and phenomenology are thoroughly wrong .

  27. 自上世纪初逻辑实证主义影响下量的评估就一直在生涯咨询中占主导地位。

    Influenced by the logical positivist world outlook , quantitative career assessment has prevailed in career counseling since its beginnings in the early 1900s .

  28. 逻辑实证主义在对传统的标准科学描述时认为科学是真理性的、客观性、连续进步性的、理性的。

    Logical positivism in the description of the traditional standards of science when that science is truth , and objectivity , continuous progressive and rational .

  29. 这些批判实质上反映出逻辑实证主义的科学观的危机,但混淆了科学的客观真理与科学被滥用的文化与社会环境。

    The criticisms reflect the crisis of logical positivism , but confuse objective truth with the social and cultural environment in which scientific knowledge is abused .

  30. 自20世纪六七十年代以来,随着逻辑实证主义的衰落和后实证主义的兴起,科学在整个人类文明中地位及科学与文化关系日益成为科学哲学研究的主题。

    From the 60-70s of the twentieth century , science is becoming the main topic of philosophy of science among the relationship of science and culture .