
zōng hé; zòng hé
  • comprehensive;synthetical;composite;synthesize;multiple;all-round;multipurpose
综合 [zōng hé]
  • (1) [synthesize]∶把分析过的对象或现象的各个部分、各属性联合成一个统一的整体

  • 综合有关资料

  • (2) [synthetical;comprehensive;multipurpose;composite;all-round]∶把各种不同而有关联的事物组合在一起的

  • 综合的研究

综合[zōng hé; zòng hé]
  1. 基于J2EE的网络化综合教务管理系统的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation on System of Networked Synthesize Educational Administration On basis of J2EE

  2. 利用加权平均模型M(·,⊕)模糊合成并且将A和R合成得到模糊综合评价结果向量B;

    Using weighted average model M (, ) to synthesis A and R and get fuzzy synthesize evaluation result - vector B.VI .

  3. 我当时不想去大的综合性大学读书。

    I didn 't want to go to a large university .

  4. 德国队综合得分为652分。

    The German team scored a combined total of 652 points .

  5. 这份文件是不同来源信息的综合。

    The document was a composite of information from various sources .

  6. 这个信息要与早先得到的信息综合在一起。

    This information will be amalgamated with information obtained earlier .

  7. 综合业务数字网连接实现了计算机网络通讯。

    ISDN connectivity allows computers to communicate over a network .

  8. 我社是您旅游方面的综合服务站。

    Our agency is a one-stop shop for all your travel needs .

  9. 他先在地方综合学校然后在牛津大学接受教育。

    He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford .

  10. 这个党试图把订立的目标综合为一个政治方案。

    The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focussed political project .

  11. 许多妇女患月经前紧张/综合征,引起头疼和情绪低落。

    Many women suffer from premenstrual tension / syndrome , causing headaches and depression .

  12. 她的孩子们上当地的综合中学。

    Her children go to the local comp .

  13. “忧郁症”是一种综合症状。

    ‘ Depression ’ is a portmanteau condition .

  14. 综合中学常把学生按能力分班。

    Streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice .

  15. 这种综合征与经常咳嗽有关。

    This syndrome is associated with frequent coughing .

  16. 他把读到和听到的片段综合起来,便逐渐明白了。

    Bits and pieces of things he 'd read and heard were coming together , and he began to understand .

  17. AIDS是获得性免疫缺损综合征的缩写。

    AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

  18. 这项综合数据掩盖了主要工业国家间的巨大分歧。

    This overall figure conceals wide divergences between the main industrial countries

  19. 该党担心难以平衡更多支出和更高税率之间的综合关系。

    The party fears the equation between higher spending and higher taxes

  20. 她在伦敦南部的奇姆综合中学教法语。

    She taught French at Cheam Comprehensive in South London .

  21. 大约70%的女性有经前综合征。

    About 70 % of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome .

  22. 女性比男性更易患肠易激综合征。

    Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men

  23. 综合性的社区具有比以前更加光明的前景。

    There are much brighter prospects for a comprehensive settlement than before .

  24. 他想给宾菲尔德庄园加盖一个大型综合体育场。

    He wants to add a huge sports complex to Binfield Manor .

  25. 新计划已经在这种综合局势中获得了机会。

    New plans have taken chance out of the equation .

  26. 他正试图把各种激进的哲学思想综合在一起。

    He 's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought .

  27. 他就读于一所男女生同校的综合性学校。

    He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school .

  28. 柠檬汁能够改善血液循环,有助于预防经济舱综合征。

    Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation .

  29. 综合分析之后是5个个案研究。

    General analysis is followed by five case studies .

  30. 这些因素综合起来决定了景深。

    Together these factors determine the depth of focus