
  • 网络synthetic fund cost rate
  1. 采用了资金成本率和加权平均综合资金成本率,对筹资质量进行全面分析,并对项目投资规模和结构进行了优化调整,提高了资金来源质量。

    It adopts capital cost ratio and weighted average combined ratio , and analyses the financing quality fully . It also optimizes and adjusts the scale and construction of the project , and improves the quality of capital source .

  2. 并以综合资金成本作为折现率为基本模型,对之进行了更详尽的个别资金成本的描述,提出了改进后的折现率模型。

    On the basis of integrate capital cost it describes more detailed individual capital cost and puts forward the improved discount rate model .