
  • Comprehensive Capacity;all-round ability;integrating skills
  1. SCDA中文名为学生职业发展协会,工作宗旨是帮助大学生树立正确的职业价值观,培养良好的就业意识,建立完善的职业发展规范,同时提高学生的择业综合能力。

    The aim of SCDA is to help undergraduates to establish occupational values , to train their awareness of employment , to build career development norms , and to improve career comprehensive capacity .

  2. 第二,努力提高银行的综合能力;

    Secondly , we must improve the comprehensive capacity of bank .

  3. 在招收计算机系统工程专业的学生时,这个大学看重的是学生的综合能力。

    In recruiting students to Computer Systems Engineering , the University looks for evidence of all-round ability

  4. 教育引导学生树立高远志向,历练敢于担当、不懈奋斗的精神。教育引导学生培养综合能力,培养创新思维。帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣,提高学生审美和人文素养,在学生中弘扬劳动精神。

    Efforts should be made to educate and guide the students to set their sights high , foster their sense of responsibility , striving spirit , comprehensive capability taste and hard-working spirit .

  5. 关于扩展PLA逻辑综合能力的若干技术

    On Two Techniques for Expansing the Logic Synthesis Capability of PLA

  6. TOPSIS在电力上市公司财务综合能力评价中的应用

    TOPSIS Assessment of Electric Power Market Company 's Integrated Finance Capacity

  7. 改造后,包装质量明显提高,精整区综合能力达到80~100t/h以上。

    After rebuilding , packing quality is grealy improved , overall capacity in finishing bay is up to 80 ~ 100 tons / h.

  8. 因此本文在研究基于FPGA的图像采集处理技术的基础上,研制图像采集处理卡,并作为一个功能模块扩展到一体化测试设备中,这对于提高测试设备的综合能力具有重要意义。

    After the research on FPGA-based image acquisition and processing technologies , this dissertation details the development of image acquisition and processing module , which is extended to the integrated test equipment as a functional module .

  9. 针对SBA系统能力,将幂函数方法与层次分析法相结合,提出多级综合能力幂函数模型。

    And in order to improve the ability of SBA system , the exponential function method is combined with multi-level analytic approach , the exponential function model possessing the multistage integration capability is presented .

  10. 大学英语改革与学生英语综合能力的提高

    College English Reform and the Improvement of the Students ' Capability

  11. 小学语文综合能力评价初探

    On the Discussion of Comprehensive Ability Evaluation on Chinese of Primary School

  12. 高考综合能力测试试卷的构建研究

    Studies on Constructing Integrative Competencies Test Paper of National College Entrance Examination

  13. 完善员工培训机制,提高员工的综合能力;

    Perfect the mechanism for training employees to improve their comprehensive abilities ;

  14. 它对于提高学生的语言综合能力有着重要的意义。

    It plays a significant role in developing students ' linguistic competence .

  15. 提高素质强化专业综合能力&快速建筑设计系列化教学改革与探索

    The Improvement of Professional Competence in Quick Design of Architecture

  16. 综合能力培养讲座(五)实施跨学科综合能力培养的原则及其途径

    On the principles and ways of training the inter subject comprehensive abilities

  17. 强化实践教学,提高食品专业学生综合能力

    Strengthen the practice teaching to improve the comprehensive ability of food science students

  18. 目的探讨男性护理人员在精神科护理工作中的综合能力。

    Objective To explore the comprehensive abilities of male nurses in psychiatric department .

  19. 在有机化学实验课程中开设文献实验,能提高学生基础素质和综合能力,养成终身学习的习惯。在实验过程中选题是保证实验成功的前提;

    Documentary experiment course in organic chemistry experiment corse can improve the students '

  20. 第一部分,综合能力本位教学模式的指导思想。

    The guideline of comprehensive ability standard teaching mode .

  21. 浅谈对大学生英语综合能力的培养

    Talks on the Training of College English Comprehensive Ability

  22. 为学生提供就业前互补性专业培训和综合能力培训的服务;

    Provide the graduates with the complementary vocational training and integrated competence training ;

  23. 第五部分简要概括其他能够提高综合能力的几个途径。

    The last part summarizes briefly other methods to improve the comprehensive capacity .

  24. 开展作文教学研究活动对提高西北贫困地区农村学生的综合能力具有重要作用。

    The composition teaching plays an important role on improving student 's overall abilities .

  25. 信息素养是关于信息的综合能力系统。

    Information literacy is peoples comprehensive information capacity .

  26. 建设现代数控技术实践教学基地培养学生综合能力

    Establishing the Practice Teaching Base of NC Technology , Training Students ' Comprehensive Ability

  27. 设计型实验对提高学生综合能力有重要作用。

    The designed experiment plays an important role in improving students ' comprehensive ability .

  28. 浅谈外语教学中综合能力培养的方法和途径

    Approaches and Means for All-Round Ability Training in the Process of Foreign Language Teaching

  29. 改革毕业设计提高综合能力

    Reform Graduation Project and Increase Overall Ability

  30. 加强实践教学提高综合能力

    Enhancing Practice Teaching and Improving Comprehensive Ability