
  • 网络Perseus;Perseus, L.L.C.
  1. 但是,各位绅士,我劝这位珀尔修斯先生三思而行。

    Sir , I hope that Perseus should think better of it .

  2. 美国珀尔修斯数字图书馆知识管理研究分析

    Knowledge Management of the Perseus Digital Library in USA

  3. 珀尔修斯宙斯之子更加相配你说呢

    Perseus . Son of a god.Rather more fitting , wouldn 't you say ?

  4. 珀尔修斯在密涅瓦和墨丘利的庇护下出发去征服这蛇发女妖。

    Perseus , favored by Minerva and Mercury , set out against the Gorgon .

  5. 该项目主管,助理研究员迈克尔·德洛内表示建造珀尔修斯二世的技术要求相当具有挑战性。

    The Project supervisor , Research Associate Michael DeLorne , says the technical requirements were challenging .

  6. 这幅画与真人一般大小,取材于希腊神话人物达娜厄,达娜厄是珀尔修斯的母亲。

    It is a life-sized depiction of the character Dana from Greek mythology , the mother of Perseus .

  7. (希腊神话)让雅典娜变为蛇发女怪的女子,后为珀尔修斯所杀。

    ( Greek mythology ) a woman transformed into a Gorgon by Athena ; she was slain by Perseus .

  8. 于是,珀尔修斯和阿尔戈斯的精兵良将踏上了寻找地狱三女巫的征程,几个自荐的猎人还有艾奥也加入了这支队伍。

    He and Argos'finest soldiers embark on a quest to find the Stygian Witches with a pair of hunters and Io following .

  9. 希茨内认为,在限制破坏范围的条件下要摧毁生化武器实验室,使用珀尔修斯是不错的选择,在摧毁目标的同时还能进行一次彻底消毒。

    This makes the bomb a good way to destroy and sterilise germ-and chemical-warfare laboratories while limiting damage nearby , says Mr Hiznay .

  10. 在史蒂文斯理工学院95米深的海洋研究模拟水池中,一群学生测试着他们命名为珀尔修斯二世的水下载具。

    In the 95-meter-long marine research tank at Stevens Institute of Technology , a group of students are able to test their underwater vehicle called Perseus II .

  11. 他们来到冥界,找到了地狱三女巫。这三个女巫告诉珀尔修斯,蛇发女怪美杜莎的头颅可以杀死挪威海怪。

    They come to Garden of Stygia and find the three Stygian Witches , who tell Perseus that the head of the Gorgon Medusa could kill the Kraken .

  12. 在过去的2个学期中,来自不同工程领域的5名本科专业学生展现出各自的才华,每周工作15到20个小时,终于设计并建造出了珀尔修斯二世。

    Over the course of two semesters , five undergraduate students majoring in different engineering areas combined their talents , working between 15 and 20 hours a week , to design and build Perseus II .

  13. 密特拉神与珀尔修斯联合,星座是在公牛之上,呈现出毒蛇,一只蝎子,一条狗和一只大乌鸦,都被认为是描绘星座。

    Mithras is associated with perseus , whose constellation is above that of the bull . a serpent , a scorpion , a dog , and a raven are present , also thought to represent associated constellations .