
  1. 珀涅罗珀?我还以为你周末出去了呢。

    Penelope ? I thought you were gone for the weekend .

  2. 一群追求者们在向他的妻子珀涅罗珀求爱,乘机来侵占他的财产。

    A band of suitors is destroying his property as they woo ( attract or court ) his wife Penelope .

  3. 乔伊斯小说《尤利西斯》的结尾部分珀涅罗珀中女性的‘Yes’有助于揭示莫莉性格特征,反映她的思维状况,贯穿叙事情节和显示作者精湛的小说叙事艺术。

    In Penelope , the final episode of Joyce 's novel Ulysses , the feminine word yes avails itself of expressing Molly 's character traits , reflecting her whirling mind , linking the plots and revealing the author 's own knack in the fictional narration .

  4. 他因此承诺说他能解决这个问题,但作为交换条件,国王要支持他赢得伊卡里俄斯的女儿珀涅罗珀的芳心。

    He thus promised to solve the problem on the condition that the king in turn would support him in his courting of Penelope , the daughter of Icarius .