
rén de zūn yán
  • human dignity
  1. 由人的尊严思想可以衍生出法的主体性原理。

    Human dignity also results in the subjective principle of law .

  2. 尊重人的尊严和人的权利。

    And respect for human dignity and universal human rights .

  3. 爱意味着尊重我所爱的人的尊严。

    Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love .

  4. 我们会继续努力,进一步提高中国护照的“含金量”,让同胞们更直接地感受到作为中国人的尊严。

    We will continue to work hard to improve the value of Chinese passports , so that our compatriots can more directly feel the dignity of being a Chinese and will find it easier to travel abroad .

  5. 德国1949年制定的《基本法》(BasicLaw)的第一章第一条即为:“人的尊严不可侵犯。”

    The first line of Germany 's 1949 Basic Law is : " Human dignity shall be inviolable . "

  6. 这不仅是对人的尊严的直接践踏;

    This was not only a direct attack on human dignity ;

  7. 人的尊严是人类永恒的课题。

    Human dignity is the eternal subject of human being .

  8. 国家尊重、保护和促进人的尊严。

    The state respects , protects and facilitates human dignity .

  9. 不能拿其他人的尊严做买卖。

    Other people 's dignity is not up for grabs .

  10. 只有真正自由的人才具有人的尊严。

    Only a truly free person has human dignity .

  11. 不要小看人的尊严的重要性。

    Don 't discount the importance of human dignity .

  12. 我要重塑人的尊严!

    I want to rebuild my dignity and honor .

  13. 他们完全不懂得人的尊严这个概念。

    In them is lacking all conception of dignity .

  14. 人的尊严不在他的财富而在于他的人格。

    Only a truly free man has human dignity .

  15. 人的尊严是教育的根本出发点。

    Human dignity is the fundamental starting-point of education .

  16. 基因歧视违背了人的尊严;

    Gene discrimination breach human beings ' dignity ;

  17. 人的尊严不是这样建立的。

    Human frame ain 't buiIt that way .

  18. 人的尊严思想的法律意蕴

    The Legal Signification of " Human Dignity "

  19. 人的尊严不应该被忽视。

    Man 's dignity should not be ignored .

  20. 尊重人的尊严和价值,是中国传统价值观念的重要方面;

    Respecting human dignity and value is an important aspect in Chinese traditional values .

  21. 人的尊严遭到了蔑视和践踏。

    Human dignity was denied and trampled upon .

  22. 中华民族历来尊重人的尊严和价值。

    The Chinese people have always respected the dignity and worth of human beings .

  23. 人的尊严原理的再思辨&目的与手段的辩证法

    Re-speculation on the Principle of Human Dignity

  24. 她认为,人的尊严实际上植根于独立、个性和自主。

    She saw that human dignity in fact resides in independence , individuality , self-determination .

  25. 所谓性理学的根本观念乃是指人的尊严及其价值。

    The so-called fundamental concepts of Science , is concerned for human dignity and value .

  26. 大学语文的人文教育内容弘博深厚,充分挖掘其中的德育因素,让学生从厚重的中国文化中体验人的尊严、使命感;

    The humanity education of college Chinese is rich in content and moral education factors .

  27. 人类对水是不可或缺的领导在人的尊严的生活。

    The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity .

  28. 强者决不可欺凌弱者,人的尊严必须提高。

    The powerful must not persecute the weak , and human dignity must be enhanced .

  29. 所以,他的死亡应该受到所有相信世界和平维护人的尊严的人们的欢迎。

    So his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity .

  30. 人的尊严是第一位的。

    He behaved with great dignity .