
rén mín mín zhǔ
  • people's democracy
  1. 人民民主不断扩大。

    - People 's democracy should be expanded .

  2. 党内民主是党的生命,对人民民主具有重要的示范和带动作用。

    Inner-Party democracy is the life of the Party and plays an important exemplary and leading role in people 's democracy .

  3. 人民民主联盟去年开始反对支持Thaksin的政府,他们占领了政府机构,长达三个月,并占据了曼谷的两个大机场,长达一周多。

    The People 's Alliance for Democracy launched protests in May last year against the pro-Thaksin government . These included occupying the government house compound for more than three months as well as the two main airports in Bangkok for more than a week .

  4. 我们党历来以实现和发展人民民主为己任。

    Our Party has always deemed it its duty to realize and develop people 's democracy .

  5. 支持人民民主联盟的示威者已经迫使几个地区机场关闭,并扰乱了全国铁路服务。

    PAD protesters have forced the closure of several regional airports and disrupted national train service .

  6. 上个星期,人民民主联盟的支持者占领了主要政府办公大楼的大院。

    Last week , PAD supporters escalated the protests by occupying the compound of the main government office building .

  7. 即使是现在,在实行“人民民主制度”的建筑工作室和科技初创企业,老板们都已经在跟着下属一起劳动了。

    Even now , bosses are laboring alongside their subordinates in the people 's republics of architecture studios and tech start-ups .

  8. 中国实现了从几千年的封建专制政治向人民民主政治的伟大跨越。

    It marks China 's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocratic politics to people 's democratic politics . c

  9. 这些最有可能遭到危险的民众分部在阿富汗、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、柬埔寨以及老挝人民民主共和国。

    Those most at risk live in Afghanistan , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Cambodia , Colombia and the Lao People 's Democratic Republic .

  10. 警方说,他们希望和人民民主联盟谈判,但是他们有可能采用武力将抗议者赶出机场。

    The police say they want to negotiate with the PAD , but it is possible they will use force to clear the terminals .

  11. 新政府领导人翁沙瓦是他信的妹夫。翁沙瓦表示要推动和解和与反政府的“人民民主联盟”进行对话。

    The new government leader , Somchai Wongsawat , a brother-in-law of Thaksin , had promised to promote reconciliation and talks with the anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy .

  12. 苏奈说,政府向人民民主联盟提出一项撤离方案,允许他们撤回到他们曾经在8月下旬占领的政府办公场所。

    Sunai says the government is offering the PAD an exit strategy by allowing the alliance to return to the government house compound which it seized in late August .

  13. 人民民主联盟指控颂猜是前总理他信的代理人。他信由于面临腐败指控,在8月逃离泰国。

    The PAD accuses Mr. Somchai of acting as a proxy for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , who fled Thailand in August in the face of corruption charges .

  14. 反对党人民民主联盟在这里为示威者安排了帐篷和椅子,向他们提供食品和饮料,还有一个为人民民主联盟领导人讲话准备的讲台。

    The anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy has set up tents and seats and provides demonstrators food and drink . There is a stage where PAD leaders give speeches .

  15. 人民民主联盟的领袖星期五说,尽管受到警方采取行动的威胁,而且他们也越来越丧失民心,他们仍然决心继续坚持抗议。

    Leaders of the People 's Alliance for Democracy on Friday said they remain determined to press on with the protest despite the threat of police action and a growing loss of public support .

  16. 他们必须向本国人民表明民主确实带来实效。

    They have to demonstrate to their people that democracy does deliver .

  17. 这就要保障人民的民主权利,推进社会的公平与正义。

    To do so , we must ensure people 's democratic rights and promote social justice and fairness .

  18. 我们是可能控制它,它必须成为代表人民的民主,

    We are possible kind of in control of it , and it had to be the democratic representative of the people ,

  19. 第四,必须保障人民的民主权利,促进人的全面发展,以进一步调动人民的积极性和创造性。

    And fourth , we must protect the democratic rights of the people , promote their all-round development and give further play to the initiative and creativity of the people .

  20. 此外,随着国家民主法治建设的日趋完善,中国人民在民主监督,参政议政和宗教信仰等方面享有更多的政治权利。

    Moreover , with the increasing perfection of the nation 's democratic and lagal construction , they are enjoying more political rights in democratic supervision , participation and discussion in politics and religious belief .

  21. 但是我始终强调,这个危机的解决方案必须尊重波多黎各人民的民主权利。我承诺确保波多黎各人在此过程中有足够的权利,以便我们能够保证采取的措施最好地代表该岛国的利益。

    But I 've always insisted that any solution to this crisis has to respect the democratic rights of the people of Puerto Rico. And I am committed to making sure that Puerto Ricans are well-represented in this process , so that we can be sure we 're taking steps that are in the island 's best interests .

  22. 我们坚信,我们美国人民通过运用民主,可以组建完美的联盟。

    that We , the People , through the instrument of our democracy , can form a more perfect union .

  23. 接下来我准备讲述的第四个问题是,保护本国人民权利的民主政府体现了美国的利益。

    And this brings me to the fourth issue that I will discuss -- America 's interest in democratic governments that protect the rights of their people .

  24. 要发展社会主义民主,切实保障人民当家作主的民主权利,特别是选举权、知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权。

    We will develop socialist democracy , and effectively safeguard the democratic rights of the people as masters of the country , particularly their rights to vote and to stay informed about , participate and in , express views on , and oversee government affairs .

  25. 我们呼吁国际社会的伙伴们同我们一道确保伊拉克人民有一个民主和安全的未来。

    We call upon our partners in the international community to join with us in ensuring a democratic and secure future for the Iraqi people .

  26. 我代表国务院,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界人士,表示诚挚的感谢!

    On behalf of the State Council , I wish to sincerely thank the Chinese people of all ethnic groups , the democratic parties , people 's organizations , and people from all sectors of society .