- people's democracy

- People 's democracy should be expanded .
Inner-Party democracy is the life of the Party and plays an important exemplary and leading role in people 's democracy .
The People 's Alliance for Democracy launched protests in May last year against the pro-Thaksin government . These included occupying the government house compound for more than three months as well as the two main airports in Bangkok for more than a week .
Our Party has always deemed it its duty to realize and develop people 's democracy .
PAD protesters have forced the closure of several regional airports and disrupted national train service .
Last week , PAD supporters escalated the protests by occupying the compound of the main government office building .
Even now , bosses are laboring alongside their subordinates in the people 's republics of architecture studios and tech start-ups .
It marks China 's realization of a great leap from centuries-old feudalistic autocratic politics to people 's democratic politics . c
Those most at risk live in Afghanistan , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Cambodia , Colombia and the Lao People 's Democratic Republic .
The police say they want to negotiate with the PAD , but it is possible they will use force to clear the terminals .
The new government leader , Somchai Wongsawat , a brother-in-law of Thaksin , had promised to promote reconciliation and talks with the anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy .
Sunai says the government is offering the PAD an exit strategy by allowing the alliance to return to the government house compound which it seized in late August .
The PAD accuses Mr. Somchai of acting as a proxy for former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra , who fled Thailand in August in the face of corruption charges .
The anti-government People 's Alliance for Democracy has set up tents and seats and provides demonstrators food and drink . There is a stage where PAD leaders give speeches .
Leaders of the People 's Alliance for Democracy on Friday said they remain determined to press on with the protest despite the threat of police action and a growing loss of public support .
They have to demonstrate to their people that democracy does deliver .
To do so , we must ensure people 's democratic rights and promote social justice and fairness .
We are possible kind of in control of it , and it had to be the democratic representative of the people ,
And fourth , we must protect the democratic rights of the people , promote their all-round development and give further play to the initiative and creativity of the people .
Moreover , with the increasing perfection of the nation 's democratic and lagal construction , they are enjoying more political rights in democratic supervision , participation and discussion in politics and religious belief .
But I 've always insisted that any solution to this crisis has to respect the democratic rights of the people of Puerto Rico. And I am committed to making sure that Puerto Ricans are well-represented in this process , so that we can be sure we 're taking steps that are in the island 's best interests .
that We , the People , through the instrument of our democracy , can form a more perfect union .
And this brings me to the fourth issue that I will discuss -- America 's interest in democratic governments that protect the rights of their people .
We will develop socialist democracy , and effectively safeguard the democratic rights of the people as masters of the country , particularly their rights to vote and to stay informed about , participate and in , express views on , and oversee government affairs .
We call upon our partners in the international community to join with us in ensuring a democratic and secure future for the Iraqi people .
On behalf of the State Council , I wish to sincerely thank the Chinese people of all ethnic groups , the democratic parties , people 's organizations , and people from all sectors of society .