
zǐ jué
  • viscount
子爵 [zǐ jué]
  • [viscount] 中国古代五等爵位的第四等;英国第四等级贵族的成员,位于伯爵之下,男爵之上

子爵[zǐ jué]
  1. 尊敬的EvelynNapierBranksome子爵之子兼继承人

    The Honourable Evelyn Napier.Son and heir to Viscount Branksome .

  2. 直到去年他还和伊丽莎•皮尔森结婚的,Cowdray子爵的24岁女儿。

    Until last year he was married to Eliza Pearson , the 24-year-old daughter of Viscount Cowdray .

  3. 在西方,尤其在英国,象征地位的头衔与社会等级差别紧密相关,如阿普莱勋爵、伯纳德伯爵(西欧国家用count一词)。英国上层社会的家族大都有世袭头衔,例如:公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵和男爵。

    In the west , especially in Britain , status titles are associated with class distinctions ―― Lord Apley , Earl Bernard ( 'Count " is used in Western European countries )

  4. 小l子爵要走的那天晚上,她像往常一样到剧场去看戏,不过在他动身的时候,她倒是哭了。

    The evening of the day he went away , she went to the theatre as usual , and yet she had cried when he said goodbye . '

  5. 现年46岁的赖斯是一名受过培训的设计师,他当时是林德利子爵(ViscountLindley)旗下家具公司LindleyCo的合伙人。1991年,他以首席设计师的身份加入妻子的公司。

    Mr Rice , 46 , a trained designer , was then a partner in Viscount Lindley 's furniture business , Lindley Co. He joined his wife 's company as chief designer in 1991 .

  6. “大人是子爵的同伴吗?”

    " Your excellency is the travelling companion of the viscount ?"

  7. 事实上,我们都清楚这一点,子爵大人。

    Indeed , we are well aware of this , viscount .

  8. “阿尔贝子爵是怎么落到罗吉手里的?”

    " How did the Viscount Albert fall into luigi 's hands ?"

  9. 我们尊贵的大使巴格威格子爵对她另眼相看。

    Viscount Bagwig , our excellent ambassador , paid her marked attention .

  10. 当时厨子正在宰杀家禽为子爵做晚饭。

    The cook was dressing some fowls for the viscount 's dinner .

  11. 最有可能子爵和恋父飞机是在该地区。

    Most likely Viscount and Electra aircraft which were in the area .

  12. 本人拥有子爵权利的女子爵。

    A noblewoman holding the rank of viscount in her own right .

  13. 在门外的走廊上年轻的子爵感到不悦和扫兴。

    Outside in the passage the young Vicomte was angry and unhappy .

  14. 由子爵或女子爵统治的领土。

    The domain controlled by a viscount or viscountess .

  15. 子爵,你对指定的婚姻一点不了解。

    Vicomte , you know nothing of arranged marriages .

  16. 我非常荣幸能够为英国皇家的林利子爵做翻译。

    I was tremendously honored to work for Viscount Linley as his interpreter .

  17. 子爵号飞机在机场下客。

    The viscount disembarked its passagers at the airport .

  18. 林利子爵出席了舞会,他的夫人也到场了。

    Viscount Linley was present at the ball , as was his wife .

  19. 我们成了死人了,沙尼家族的子爵,死人!”

    We are dead men , Vicomte de Chagny , dead men ! '

  20. 那个星期三也有一封信到了年轻的沙尼家族的子爵手里。

    That Wednesday a letter also arrived for the young Vi comte de Chagny .

  21. (对伯爵长子的尊称)子爵

    Courtesy title of an earl 's eldest son

  22. 接着我们看见了沙尼家族的子爵。

    Then we saw the Vicomte de Chagny .

  23. “把这些花搬到前厅更衣室去,”子爵说。

    " Take these flowers into the anteroom or dressing-room ," said the viscount ;

  24. 侯爵位于公爵之下,子爵或男爵之上的贵族地位。

    A nobleman ranking below a duke and above an earl or a count .

  25. 子爵夫人决定节俭度日。

    The viscountess had decided to downsize .

  26. 她成了子爵夫人。

    And she became a viscountess .

  27. 人们也都知道了克丽斯廷·达埃和沙尼家族的子爵之间的爱情故事。

    People also knew about the love story between Christine Daa é and the Vicomte de Chagny .

  28. 对立、荒诞、拯救:《分成两半的子爵》的结构主义解读

    Antagonism , Absurdity and Rescuing : an Analysis of The Viscount Divided into Two in Structuralism and Existentialism

  29. 德埃皮努瓦子爵是最早收养这个野女孩的权贵之一。

    The Viscount d'Epinoy was the first of several dignitaries to take up the savage girl 's cause .

  30. 阁下(对伯爵、子爵、男爵、内阁大臣及其他人士的尊称)

    Right ( Honourable title of earls , viscounts , barons , Cabinet Ministers , and certain others )