- daughter;decay product;radioactive decay product

This paper studies the migration rule of radon and its daughter under laboratory conditions through experiments by using high sensitive and precise , static , easily repeated CD 1 α cup method to survey radon .
The working principle of the instrument is based on the measurement of Q-ray intensity generated by 218Po ( RaA ) - the radon daughter collected on polyester film processed by pressurized polarization .
Tree deletions starting at an object which has an NC head as a descendant are not allowed .
Rn and its progeny concentrations depend on the content of Th in soil .
Integrating measurement of ~ ( 220 ) RN progeny in the environment
Uranium isotopes and their daughters emit - rays and X-rays during the decay process , their peak area and relative efficiency can be calculated through spectrum analysis .
Discussion on indoor concentration of ~ ( 220 ) rn and its progeny
Calculation of effective dose equivalent and derivation of Ali and DAC by inhalation of short-lived radon daughters
Study of the oxidation state of recoiled ~ ( 201 ) tl after the EC decay of ~ ( 201 ) pb
Re-analysis of the experiment data of vertical migration of radon and its daughters under ideal condition
The distribution of indoor thoron and its progeny concentration was derived from a theoretical model of one-dimensional diffusion . And the characteristics of their equilibrium factor F were studied .
Study on dynamic changes of ~ ( 210 ) po and ~ ( 210 ) pb in blood and hair dogs after exposure to radon daughters
Survey of radon , thoron and its decay products in two coal mines in Fangshan area of Beijing
Abstract Underground uranium miners and other miners are exposed to ~ ( 222 ) Rn and its daughters .
A method for estimating ~ ( 222 ) rn daughters potential α - energy intake from the content of ~ ( 210 ) pb in bone
The Alpha Spectrum Method for Measuring ~ ( 222 ) Rn / ~ ( 220 ) Rn Progeny Concentrations in Air
The germ toxicity of exciting energy resource 147Pm of fluorescent paint was studied . It was shown that the placenta was a barrier for 147Pm entering into the fetus .
Strontium-90 is estimated by solvent extraction of the daughter product yttrium-90 in the system HNO_3-HDEHP-toluene .
220 progeny concentrations in indoors and outdoors are 2.7 and 0.8 EEC Bq · m-3 , respectively .
Re-moval of RaB from the lung of rabbits inhaled radon daughters was followed by external γ - counting .
Study of influence of ICRP NEW dose limit on annual limit on exposure for occupational exposure to radon progeny
Survey on indoor ~ ( 222 ) rn , ~ ( 220 ) rn progeny in air in high background radiation area of yangjiang , china
Analysis Error in Minority Carrier Bulk Generation Lifetime Determined by Zerbst 's C-t Method
Conclusion The CN bare method is good for the measurement of the deposition rate of natural radioactive particles from atmosphere , thereby possibly advancing the precision of the evaluation of the lung dose .
This paper introduces the determination of gamma radioactivity of some daughter elements in equilibrium with ~ ( 231 ) Pa in uranium ore samples by gamma-ray spectrometer with high purity germanium in order to determine the ~ ( 231 ) Pa content .
The detecting efficiencies of the alpha spectrometer are measured by using ~ ( 241 ) Am alpha standard source and radon progeny standard source of Canada Pylon Company and the differences between the two methods are analyzed .
The balance rate compared radon and its daughter nuclide with their mother nuclide is increased along with the remain-time extending , and reaches balance fully up to about 20 days .
Methods A three - counts method of measuring scintillation cell detection efficiency to a particles emitting from radon and its progeny were developed on the relationship of radon and its progeny .
A dose assessment method considering the effect of progenies is presented in this paper , and the dose from ~ ( 234 ) U is evaluated using this method .
The additional annual effective dose equivalent to the nearby residents is 2.1 × 10-2 mSv from radon daughters and 5.6 × 10-2 mSv from γ radiation . The sum is about 7.7 % of the dose limit for the public .