
zǐ liú xíng
  • submanifold
子流形[zǐ liú xíng]
  1. Euler示性式在子流形上的积分公式

    The Integral Formula of Euler Characteristic Forms on Submanifold

  2. 考察非Sasakian切触度量(k,μ)空间中子流形,证明了它的每个子流形必是切触CR子流形。

    Submanifolds of a non-Sasakian ( k ,μ) - space are investigated and it is shown that each submanifold in a non-Sasakian ( k ,μ) - space must be a contact CR submanifold .

  3. 黎曼流形的B子流形

    Totally umbilical Submanifolds of a Riemann manifold

  4. 黎曼流形的子流形上的□~r算子及其应用

    Operator □~ r on a Submanifold of a Riemannian Manifold and Its Applications

  5. 设Mn+p是n+p维共形平坦黎曼流形,本文对具有平行第二基本形式的子流形作了讨论。

    Let Mn + p be an ( n + p ) - dimensional conformally flat Riemannian manifold .

  6. 复空间形式■~(2n)(C)中不存在平行平均曲率向量的紧致全实子流形

    Compact totally real submanifolds in a complex space form without parallel mean curvature vector

  7. 论支撑函数和Chen子流形

    On the Support Functions and Chen Submanifolds

  8. 四元数射影空间的generic子流形

    Generic Submanifolds of a Quaternion Projective Space

  9. Poisson嵌入子流形的一个性质

    A Property on Poisson Embedding Submanifolds

  10. 具有余维二的极小Einstein子流形

    Minimal Einstein Submanifolds with Codimension Two

  11. 局部对称共形平坦Riemann流形中具有平行单位中曲率向量的子流形

    The Submanifold with Parallel Mean Curvature in Local Symmetric Plat Riemann Manifold

  12. 特别地对M为Spin子流形时,给出了其特征值间距的估计。

    And for the special case that M is a compact minimal Spin-submanifold , the estimate of eigenvalue gap is given .

  13. Hilbert空间的平行PF子流形

    Paraller PF Submanifolds of Hilbert Space

  14. 单位球面上的子流形有关截曲率的Pinching定理

    The Pinching Theorems about Sectional Curvature of Submanifolds on Unit Sphere

  15. 从子流形几何的观点出发,得到了关于单位球面中偶维数子流形Mn的一个拓扑球定理。

    A topological sphere theorem from the point of view of submanifold geometry for even-dimensional submanifolds M n in the unit sphere is established .

  16. 球面全脐子流形的Pinching常数

    The Pinching Constant of Totally Umbilical Submanifolds in a Sphere

  17. 关于子流形在某些黎曼流形中的pinching问题

    Some Pinching Problems about Sub Manifolds in Some Riemannian Manifolds

  18. 复射影空间中复子流形的整体Pinching定理

    Overall Pinching Law of Complex Submanifolds in Complex Projective Spaces

  19. 得到了一些关于子流形是常flag曲率、平坦以及Finsler球面的结果。

    Some results about constant flag curvature , flat and Finsler sphere in submanifold are given .

  20. R~N中taut子流形的性质与例

    A Property of Taut Submanifolds in R ~ N and an Example

  21. 球面中迷向子流形的一个整体Pinching定理

    A global pinching theorem of submanifold in the sphere with isotropic second fundamental form

  22. 伪脐子流形的两个Pinching定理

    Two Pinching theorems for pseudo - umbilical submanifolds

  23. 关于具平行平均曲率向量场的三维紧致子流形的Ricci曲率的Pinching问题

    On Pinching Problem of Ricci Curvature for 3-dimensional Compact Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature

  24. Finsler子流形的Chern联络与Gauss方程

    On the Gauss equation and Chern connections of Finsler submanifolds

  25. 具有Ricci曲率拼挤的子流形的P-调和映射

    P-harmonic Maps for Submanifolds with Positive Ricci Curvature

  26. 关于常数数量曲率的子流形和Finsler流形上的调和函数

    Submanifolds with Constant Scalar Curvature and the Harmonic Function of Finsler Manifold

  27. 本文给出Mn是M1n+p(c1)的全脐子流形的几个充分条件。

    Some sufficient conditions for Mn to be a totally umbilical submanifold in Mn + p1 ( c1 ) are obtained in this paper .

  28. 关于子流形的Pinching问题

    Some Pinching Problems about Submanifolds

  29. Finsler几何中体积形式与子流形

    On the Volume Forms and Submanifolds in Finsler Geometry

  30. 关于Minkowski空间的子流形

    On Submanifolds of Minkowski Space