
àn tàn
  • A spy;detective;secret agent;plainclothes man;plain clothesman
暗探 [àn tàn]
  • [detective;plain clothesman;secret agent] 密探,从事暗中刺探情报的人

暗探[àn tàn]
  1. nose[英俚]做暗探,告密探听信息干涉他人事情与nose有关的俚语

    nose for information nose into other 's affairs

  2. 亚历克斯范德沃特同意他雇用一名暗探。

    Alex vandervoort had authorized him to employ an informer .

  3. 又派了一个暗探到我们这一区来。

    There is another spy commissioned for our quarter .

  4. 它是安插在自我的中心堡垒中的暗探。

    It is the spy seated in the central stronghold of the ego .

  5. 她看见暗探沙威抓住了市长先生的衣领,她又看见市长先生低着头。

    She beheld Javert , the police spy , seize the mayor by the collar ; she saw the mayor bow his head .

  6. 他深信自己的作用,热爱自己的职务,他做暗探,如同别人做神甫一样。

    He possessed the conscience of his usefulness , the religion of his functions , and he was a spy as other men are priests .

  7. 沙威走到芳汀的门前,转动门钮,用着护士或暗探的那种柔和劲儿推开门,进来了。

    On arriving at Fantine 's chamber , Javert turned the handle , pushed the door open with the gentleness of a sick-nurse or a police spy , and entered .

  8. 甚至充当暗探,联络土匪,煽动部队哗变,实行测绘地图,秘密调查情况,公开进行反对边区政府的宣传。

    Some of them are even acting as spies , conspiring with bandits , inciting our soldiers to mutiny , making surveys and maps of our region , secretly collecting information , or openly spreading propaganda against the border region government .