
àn jiāo
  • reef;submerged reef;submerged rock;ledge;sunken reef
暗礁 [àn jiāo]
  • [submerged rock] 对航行有潜在危害的礁石;根据海图学规定,其顶部在该区潮水淹没线下限之下的礁石;比喻潜在的障碍

暗礁[àn jiāo]
  1. 渔夫费了很大的劲才把他的小船划到暗礁旁。

    With great difficulty , the fisherman manoeuvred his small craft close to the reef

  2. 那艘船撞到暗礁沉没了。

    The ship was wrecked on the hidden reef .

  3. 这艘船撞上了恶名远扬的斯戈尔尖岬暗礁群,断为三截。

    The ship crashed into the infamous Sker Point rocks and broke into three pieces .

  4. 我终于爬上了一块潮湿倾斜的暗礁。

    I managed to pull myself up onto a wet , sloping ledge

  5. 船从暗礁之间穿过。

    The ship threaded her way between the hidden rocks .

  6. 这位引航员引导我们通过了危险的暗礁区。

    The pilot guided us through the dangerous reefs .

  7. 船在暗礁上碰得粉碎。

    The boat was smashed on the rocks .

  8. 那艘船被卡在两块暗礁之间。

    The ship was jammed between two rocks .

  9. 船触暗礁沉没。

    The ship was wrecked on a hidden reef .

  10. 暗礁对于航运是一个危险的东西。

    The rocks are a danger to shipping .

  11. 暗礁附近鱼很多。

    Fish are abundant about the ledges .

  12. 人的一生好比船在大海上航行,随时会遭遇狂风恶浪、险滩暗礁的袭击。

    Human life is like sailing on ships at sea at any time will be facing the wind wave , dangerous shoals reefs attacks .

  13. 这架沉没的飞机将不仅为人工暗礁的生长创造完美的框架,而且当局希望这一新颖的水下景点能为该地区带来游客。

    Not only will the sunken plane revealing the perfect skeleton for artificial reef growth , tut authorities hope this new underwater attraction will bring tourists to the area .

  14. 由于多暗礁,在这条河上航行很困难。

    Navigation is difficult on this river because of hidden rocks .

  15. 暗礁附近鱼很多

    Fish are abundant about the reefs .

  16. 为了连接到岩石、暗礁、珊瑚、船体等表面,贻贝能够在水下环境中分泌一种含有贻贝黏附蛋白(MAPs)的粘液。

    In order to attach to surfaces like rock , reef , coral and hull , mussels secrete special adhesives named mussel adhesive proteins ( MAPs ) in the underwater enviroment .

  17. 海上消失(抑或重现)SS贾西姆号,一艘玻利维亚的货运渡船,在苏丹海岸外的温盖特暗礁处触礁沉没。

    Lost ( and Found ) at Sea The SS Jassim , a Bolivian cargo ferry , ran aground and sunk on the Wingate Reef off the coast of Sudan in 2003 .

  18. 8月4日,格雷厄姆・安莱(GrahamAnley)和谢里尔・安莱(SherylAnley)夫妇在南非海岸附近乘快艇时撞到了暗礁,船被撞翻了。

    On Aug. 4 , Graham and Sheryl Anley , while yachting off the coast of South Africa , hit a reef , capsizing their boat .

  19. 通过研究潮流、波浪对海表面微尺度波的调制机理,结合两者ERS-1SAR图像论述了SAR对南沙群岛暗礁具有成像能力。

    According to the research on the mechanism of modulate of microscale wave with tidal current and wave , combined with two ERS 1 SAR images the imaging ability of SAR of Nansha isles ′ submerged reef is proved .

  20. 另外,计算得到的泉州湾内平均潮差约为4m,如此大的潮差是导致湾内浅滩和暗礁在落潮时干出、涨潮时重新被漫过的根本原因。

    Besides , the large tidal range with a mean value of 4 m is responsible for the alternate wetting and drying of shoals and submerged rocks during the flood and ebb , respectively .

  21. 过去18个月里,中国已将包括永暑礁和约翰逊南礁在内的六七个暗礁和珊瑚环礁吹填成岛。今年4月,美国太平洋舰队司令哈里•哈里斯(HarryHarris)曾将此比作“一道沙制的长城”。

    Fiery Cross and Johnson South are among just over half a dozen submerged rocks and coral atolls that China has dredged into islands in the past 18 months , an effort Harry Harris , commander of the US Pacific Fleet , likened in April to " a great wall of sand . "

  22. 你会在暗礁这边某个地方找到的。

    You 'll find it somewhere this side of the reef .

  23. 他保证不会再来暗礁区骚扰你了!

    He promised to leave you alone and the reef alone !

  24. 我告诉过你那暗礁中没有通道。

    I told you there 's no passage through that reef .

  25. 他们说在靠近海岸的暗礁之间有一个礁湖。

    They say that inshore of the reef is a lagoon .

  26. 他负责在海图上标出暗礁的位置。

    He is responsible for plotting the reefs on the chart .

  27. 没有暗礁或雾能使你遭殃。

    No reef can wreck you , no calm delay ;

  28. 这种表面很简单的概念却隐藏着无数的暗礁。

    The apparent simplicity of this concept conceals innumerable snags .

  29. 由于多暗礁,在着条河里航行很困难。

    Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks .

  30. 到达那里唯一的可能就是从这些暗礁中穿过去。

    The only possible landing place is through this reef .