
jiào sù
  • enzyme;ferment
酵素 [jiào sù]
  • [enzymes] 酶的旧称

  1. 天然而温和磨砂成份,能有效去除死皮;核桃皮中的酵素含丰富维他命C,有紧肤功效。

    A natural , gentle yet effective exfolian the enzyme from Walnut provides the skin with vitamin C , a natural astrigent .

  2. 这两种分子可以帮助一种被称为carnitineacetyltransferase的线粒体酵素发挥作用。

    These help a mitochondrial enzyme called carnitine acetyltransferase to do its job .

  3. 在转基因技术中,我们使用从自然界分离出的酵素,以那种在自然界发生的同样方式把几段DNA连在一起。

    In biotechnology we use enzymes that we isolate from nature to link together pieces of DNA in the same manner that occurs in nature .

  4. 单一突变,DNA序列发生变化,会造成核糖体在构建溶解酵素分子时使用不同的氨基酸。

    A single mutation , a different sequence in the DNA , causes the ribosome to use a different amino acid when it builds the lysozyme molecule .

  5. 这些因子包括溶解酵素、补体因子、蛋白酶抑制剂、凝集素和免疫球蛋白(IgM)等。

    These factors include lysozymes , complement factors , protease inhibitors , lectins , immunoglobulin ( IgM ) .

  6. 血管加压素转换酵素(ACE)抑制剂是治疗高血压潜水员的好方法。

    ACE ( angiotensin converting enzyme ) inhibitors are the preferred class of drugs for treating hypertensive divers ; a persistent cough is a possible side effect .

  7. Q10活性酵素是抗皱的主要成分,它能重新激活皮肤的修复系统,控制和减轻深纹。

    The anti-wrinkle power of coenzyme Q10 activates your skin ´ s reparatory mechanism , reducing the depth of wrinkles .

  8. 纳瓦洛及高尔发现,这个寄生虫的转录体用的是一种数量比较少的酵素型,称为RNA聚合酶I,来读取VSG的基因。

    Navarro and Gull found that the transcriptional body of the parasite uses a less abundant type of enzyme called RNA polymerase I to read the VSG genes .

  9. 根据他们的研究显示,绿茶中含有一种「没食子酸(EGCg)」的成分,这种成分可以抑制癌细胞生长所需要的TNOX酵素,但却不会影响正常细胞的生长。

    According to their study , EGCg inhibits the activity of tNOX , an enzyme required for cancer cell growth .

  10. 维生素B6缺乏也同在动脉墙壁结构正直介入的酵素的损伤联系在一起,可能影响安放和早期的胎盘发展。

    Vitamin B6 deficiency has also been associated with impairment of enzymes involved in the structural integrity of arterial walls , which could affect implantation and early placental development .

  11. 酵素剂SS-200在菠菜和黄瓜上的施用效果研究

    Study on Application Effect of Natural Enzymes SS-200 on Spinage and Cucumber

  12. 一家加州的公司,太阳酵素公司(Solazyme),是前景看好的异数。该公司使用遮光的工业用桶而不是水池来让藻类将糖转成燃料。

    Solazyme , a Californian firm , is a promising anomaly , using algae to make fuel from sugars in dark industrial vats rather than pools .

  13. 可以少量服用一点药物。Beano防排气片,乳糖分解酵素和活性木炭也有帮助,几乎所有药店和超市都可以买到。

    Get a little chemical help . Beano , lactase supplements and activated charcoal may help , and they 're available over the counter at almost any drugstore or supermarket .

  14. 糙米酵素工艺技术研究及品质分析

    Study on the Techniques of Rice Bran Leaven and Quality Analysis

  15. 和美酵素代替油脂对矮小型蛋鸡生产性能的影响

    Effects of Hemicelluloses instead of Oil on Performance of Dwarf Hens

  16. 初探酵素生物菌肥料对盐碱地水稻生长的影响

    Effect of ferment biology fertilizer on rice growth in salt-alkali soil

  17. 」基化酵素似乎是从其他地方取得指令的。

    The methyl-adding enzymes seem to take their orders from elsewhere .

  18. 微生物酵素预防肝移植术后早期感染的作用

    Oral Microbes - ferments for Preventing Early Infection after Liver Transplantation

  19. 而在神经元,钙离子会活化产生神经传递物的酵素。

    In neurons , calcium activates enzymes that produce neurotransmitters .

  20. 酵素菌肥在西瓜上的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Zymogen Fertilizer to Water Melon

  21. 受酶或酵素作用的物质。

    The substance acted upon by an enzyme or ferment .

  22. 酵素菌肥在岩石边坡喷播绿化中的应用试验初报

    Test On Application of Ferment Fertilizers on Greening Rocky Slope

  23. 果树施用酵素菌肥的效果

    Effects on Applying of Ferment Fungus Fertilizers on Fruit Trees

  24. 强酵素在酒精发酵中作用的研究

    The research of powerful ferments applied in alcoholic fermentation

  25. 芳香化是酵素在转换睾甾酮成女性荷尔蒙。

    Aromatize is the enzyme in the body that converts testosterone to estrogen .

  26. 为什么选择生物有机芦荟芦荟酵素?

    Why Choose BIO VERA Organic Aloe Vera Enzyme ?

  27. 糙米酵素发酵工艺的研究

    Study on the Fermentation Technology of Enzymatic Rice Bran

  28. 油菜施用酵素菌肥试验初报

    Experiment of Application of Ferment Bacteria Fertilizer on Rape

  29. 提高它们的量似乎弥补了氧化物对这种酵素的损害。

    Boosting their levels seems to compensate for oxidative damage to this enzyme .

  30. 固定相白桦酸与磷脂质分解酵素交互作用的研究。

    Interaction of immobilized betulinic acid and phospholipase a2 .