
  • 网络dark energy;Dark Matter and Dark Energy
  1. 如果博格斯博士最终被证明是正确的,那么真空能和暗能量就可以被统一并且是一个宇宙常量,而且w正好等于-1。

    If Dr Burgess is right , vacuum energy and dark energy are the same thing , a cosmological constant , and W is exactly equal to - 1 .

  2. 具有对称性的tachyon场作为暗能量

    Dark energy served by Tachyon field with symmetrical property

  3. 从而说明在线性和非线性扰动中MCG作为暗能量都能够很好的解释宇宙的加速膨胀。

    Therefor the model of modified Chaplygin gas as dark energy could explain the accelerating universe well in linear and non-linear perturbations .

  4. Einstein引力理论在大尺度上的修正是解释目前宇宙加速膨胀的一类颇受关注的方案,它不需要引入奇怪的暗能量。

    The modification of Einstein gravity theory at large scale is a kind of attractive version of the accelerated expansion of the universe at present , without the assumption of mysterious " dark energy " .

  5. 不久以前,Frampton等人提出了pseudorip这个概念,它表示暗能量密度最终趋向一个常数的宇宙结局。

    Not long ago Frampton et al advanced a concept called pseudo rip , it means that the density of dark energy tend to a constant , when time tend to infinite .

  6. Phantom暗能量模型与Quintessence相似,但是它解决了暗能量状态方程有可能穿越-1的问题,其不足在于可以导致宇宙大撕裂。

    And in this model , there is not coincidence problem Phantom dark energy model is similar to Quintessence , but it solves the shortcomings that the state equation may traverse through - 1 , which can lead to the Big Rip .

  7. Kasuya的讨论表明,最小耦合复标量场作为暗能量在宇宙背景下是不稳定的。

    The discussion of Kasuya shows that the minimally coupled complex scalar field is unstable to play the role of dark energy in the background of universe .

  8. 研究了Brans-Dicke标量场和凝聚费米对混合的sine-Gordon孤子星模型。结果表明,当耦合系数满足一定约束条件时,星体中心的暗能量可达到稳定状态。

    The sine-Gordon soliton star model with mix of Brans-Dicke scalar field and condensed Fermi pairs are studied , the result indicate the dark energy in the center of star can arrived at stable state when coupling coefficient satisfies some constraint conditions . 5 .

  9. 一个办法就是把其中一颗卫星用于广域红外线巡天望近镜(WFIRST)项目,红外线望远镜可以用来研究暗能量——这股神秘的力量被认为是宇宙膨胀的幕后推手。

    One idea is to use one of the mirrors for the WFIRST mission , an infra-red telescope designed to investigate dark energy-the still-mysterious force thought to be behind the accelerating expansion of the universe .

  10. 因此真空能和暗能量可能是一体两面的。

    Thus vacuum energy and dark energy might be the same thing .

  11. 具有奇异物质与暗能量作用的宇宙模型

    A Cosmic Model with the Action of Exotic Matter and Dark Energy

  12. 暗能量理论研究现状概述

    A Brief Overview of Recent Theoretical Study on Dark Energy

  13. 主宰宇宙命运的暗能量和暗物质

    Dark energy and dark substances dominating the universe 's desting

  14. 暗能量与暗物质一起,占据现今宇宙中物质总量的大部分。

    Dark energy and dark matter dominate the universe today .

  15. 暗能量是如何在极大的尺度上影响宇宙的?

    how does dark energy affect the universe at the largest scales ?

  16. 在第一章,我们对全息暗能量模型进行了研究。

    A two-dimensional dark energy star model at finite temperature ;

  17. 理论上,宇宙学家们提出了不同的暗能量模型。

    In theory , various dark energy models are proposed by cosmologists .

  18. 真空和以太&宇宙暗能量的启示

    Vacuum and Ether & Enlightenment of the Dark Energy

  19. 这样一种物质成分被称为暗能量。

    This kind of component is dubbed dark energy .

  20. 这些项目并不是完全只研究暗能量本质的。

    These projects are not solely dedicated to probing the nature of dark energy .

  21. 暗能量的理论问题

    The Problem of the Theory of Dark Energy

  22. 高维宇宙学模型与暗能量

    Higher Dimensional Cosmological Model and Dark Energy

  23. 暗能量的斥力会抵消星系间的引力,从而减弱了星系的运动。

    Its gravitational repulsion would offset galaxies ' gravitational attraction , thereby deadening their motion .

  24. 叫做暗能量。

    and they call it dark energy .

  25. 我们唯一知道的是宇宙的四分之三由暗能量所组成。

    What is known is that dark energy constitutes about three quarters of the Universe .

  26. 不管是宇宙常数还是第五元素,都属于暗能量的?畴。

    Both the cosmological constant and quintessence fall into the general category of dark energy .

  27. 暗能量模型的重建

    Reconstruction of the Dark Energy Model

  28. 暗能量的发现,对现代物理理论提出了挑战。

    The discovery of dark energy imposes a great challenge to the modern the-ory of physics .

  29. 我们研究暗能量正如盲人摸象。

    Wrong theories about dark energy .

  30. 将近3/4的宇宙是完全未知的物质,人们称之为“暗能量”。

    Almost three-quarters of the universe is something completely obscure , dubbed " dark energy " .