
  • 网络suggestion effect
  1. 正性暗示效应在有机磷农药自杀病人护理干预中的应用研究

    Study on application of positive suggestion effect in nursing intervention of patients commit suicide with orgnaophosphorus drugs

  2. 皮格马利翁效应、暗示效应和心理换位活动,是提高教育质量心理分析的很好例证。

    Hint Effect , psychological exchanging are the illustration of psychoanalysis ' effects on education .

  3. 不同类型主观性暗示效应差异特点原因分析。

    Hint Dropping Skill 2 . Analysis of the reasons causing disparity in different subjective hint effects ;

  4. 2000年末出版的《逻辑学》教科书可视为一个例证。皮格马利翁效应、暗示效应和心理换位活动,是提高教育质量心理分析的很好例证。

    2000 end published " logic " textbook can be regard as a illustration . Hint Effect , psychological exchanging are the illustration of psychoanalysis ' effects on education .

  5. 他们暗示安慰剂效应会有所变化,可能取决于你是不是用一粒盐吞下的糖药丸。

    They suggest a variable placebo effect , one that may depend on whether you swallow that sugar pill with a grain of salt . - Katherine Harmon

  6. 虽然咖啡因作为一种利尿剂增加了排尿量,它并不会导致身体缺水,专家组总结道,暗示这种效应是短暂的。

    Although caffeine , as a diuretic , increases the excretion of urine , it does not lead to a deficiency of body water , the panel concluded , suggesting that the effect is fleeting .

  7. 上述结果表明,在我国特定的运营商竞争格局下,网络效应依然显著,并暗示了网络效应的可能来源。

    All the results show that the network effect is still significant , with a hint of possible sources of network effect , in Chinese specific competitive operation pattern .

  8. 烯烃的结构对反应的影响很大,未取代的丙烯酸酯可以顺利的进行,但是取代烯烃几乎不反应,这些暗示了空间效应在反应中起了很大的作用。

    The olefin structure displayed a marked effect on the reaction . Parent acrylates reacted smoothly , but substituted acrylates gave products in low yield or remained untouched , indicting steric factors played a critical role in the reaction .