
àn wù zhì
  • dark matter
暗物质[àn wù zhì]
  1. 暗物质不发光,它之所以能被发现,只是因为它对可见物质产生引力作用。

    Dark matter gives out no light and is detectable only because of its gravitational effect on visible matter .

  2. 亮处是暗物质最集中的地方,星系就是在这里形成的。

    The bright areas are where dark matter is most concentrated , and it 's here that galaxies form .

  3. 这得以让天文学家们绘制出了这张地图,展现了暗物质在无尽的太空中的分布情况。

    And that 's allowed astronomers1 to produce this map of how it 's spread across the expanse of space .

  4. 虽然暗物质不可见,但这台仪器可以通过暗物质扭曲星光的方式来探测到它。

    It can 't be seen ­– but this instrument can detect dark matter by the way it distorts starlight .

  5. 但这座位于智利沙漠中的望远镜能够看到宇宙的真实面貌,里面充满了一种神秘的物质,被称作“暗物质”。

    But this telescope in the deserts of Chile is able to see the Universe as it really is , filled with a mysterious substance called dark matter .

  6. 鉴别暗物质粒子WIMP的人工神经网络方法

    The neural network method for identifying dark matter WIMP

  7. KIMS是寻找和研究暗物质WIMP的实验组。

    KIMS is a group aiming at the search for WIMP .

  8. 在这里,我们的研究集中在两个方面:一个是星系团CL0024+17的暗物质环(Jeeetal.2007)。

    Our research focuses on : ( 1 ) Dark matter ring in the CL0024 + 17 ( Jee et al . 2007 ) .

  9. DAMA(暗物质)实验的触发判选系统

    The trigger system distinguished and chosen for DAMA experiment

  10. 外圈卫星则嵌满了暗物质,看起来就像Phoebe——卫星上的黑色块状物上的岩屑。

    And the outer moons are dusted with dark stuff , which looks to be debris from Phoebe , a dark-colored lump of a moon .

  11. DAMA暗物质实验本底问题的研究

    Studies on the Backgrounds of DAMA Experiments

  12. 另一个是bullet星系团所指出的暗物质中心与重子物质中心分离的现象,这一现象给出了暗物质在星系团中存在的直接证据。

    The X-ray and lensing study of the bullet cluster show a clear offset between dark matter and baryonic matter center . This observation gave us the direct evidence that dark matter exist on cluster scales .

  13. 最佳猜想为:暗物质是由肉眼看不见的粒子——大质量弱相互作用粒子,或称WIMP组成的。

    The best guess is that invisible particles called weakly interacting massive particles , or WIMPs , contribute all this missing mass .

  14. 按F-W暗物质模型,暗物质之间有相互作用,能够形成暗天体。

    According to the F-W dark matter model , the interaction between dark matters can form dark celestial body .

  15. 建立在冷暗物质(CDM)和近标度不变原初扰动的结构形成理论成功地解释了宇宙大尺度和星系形成和演化的整体性质,已成为现代标准宇宙学模型的基础。

    Structure formation model based on the cold dark matter ( CDM ) theory and the nearly scale-invariant primordial perturbation has successfully explained the main features of observational properties of the large scale structure and galaxies .

  16. 因为我们知道暗物质的平均速度和大致质量,核反冲的动能估计在几KeV到几十个KeV之间,这样的能量是应该可以观察到的。

    We know the mean velocity and the approximate mass of dark matter and the kinetic energy of the nuclear recoil is from several eV to millions eV , which should be observed .

  17. 建立了一套用于暗物质WIMPs粒子直接探测研究的低本底、低能量阈高纯锗探测器,探测器质量为5g,能量阈可以达到100eV。

    Status of ULE-HPGe Detector Experiment for Dark Matter Search An HPGe detector has been constructed for the direct detection of Weakly Interactive Massive Particles ( WIMPs ) .

  18. 拜托告诉我父母我们的暗物质研究正处在关键时刻,我不能参加我表哥Sanjay的婚礼。

    Please tell my parents that our dark matter research is at a critical juncture , and I can 't come home for my cousin Sanjay 's wedding .

  19. 直接探测暗物质的最好办法是观察由WIMPs和原子核之间弱相互作用而引起的核反冲。

    The best way to detect dark matter directly is to observe the nuclear recoil which is caused by the weak interaction between the WIMPs and the common atomic nucleus .

  20. 利用高精度宇宙学数值模拟数据,我们分别对不同暗物质模型下暗晕的角动量分布和LCDM模型下暗晕中暗物质和气体的角动量分布做了具体的分析研究。

    We study the angular momentum profile both for dark matter and for gas within virial-ized halos , using statistical samples drawn from different sets of high-resolution cosmological simulations .

  21. 探寻银晕暗物质的一个可能方案

    A possible approach for search of dark material halo in Galaxy

  22. 定域超对称不可见轴子&一种可能的暗物质

    The Local SUSY Invisible Axion as a Possible Dark Matter Candidate

  23. 暗物质可能是由哪一种粒子组成的呢?

    WHAT KIND OF particle could dark matter be made of ?

  24. 现在我可以全身心投入到暗物质的研究中了。

    Now I can devote all my time to dark matter .

  25. 大数猜想与暗物质

    Dark Matter and the Large Number Guesses in the Universe

  26. 因此我们推断出宇宙中存在暗物质。

    Hence we infer that there is dark matter in the Universe .

  27. 暗物质在此刻便露出了马脚。

    They were thus able to study the distribution of dark matter .

  28. 暗物质的实验探测器寻找宇宙中的暗物质

    The detector for dark matter search Detecting Dark Matter in the Universe

  29. 关于暗物质与暗能量参数化的统一模型

    The Unified Parametrized Model for Dark Matter and Dark Energy

  30. 大质量的星系团同样预示着暗物质的存在。

    Massive galaxy clusters also show evidence of dark matter .