
  • 【物】particle physics
  1. 在粒子物理领域中,B物理的研究是热点课题之一。

    The study of B physics is an important task in particle physics .

  2. 近年来,B物理的研究在粒子物理研究领域中倍受关注。

    In recent years , the study of B physics has received much concern in the particle physics .

  3. B介子物理自20世纪80年代以来一直是粒子物理界最热门的领域之一。

    B physics has been one of the most hot topic area in particle physics since the 80s of last century .

  4. 在论文的综述部分(前三章),我们首先对粒子物理的标准模型以及B介子弱衰变的理论框架进行了简单的介绍,并给出了标准模型下威尔逊系数的表达式;

    In the first three chapters , we made a review for the theoretical framework of Standard Model and B physics . We presented the extraction of Wilson coefficients ;

  5. 有些专题(例如:CP破坏和底夸克物理)如果被保留在8.881实验粒子物理课程的待选专题中,则它们将被排除在可选题目之外。

    Topics such as CP violation and b-physics may be excluded , if they are reserved for8.881 , Selected Topics in Experimental Particle Physics .

  6. 欧洲的粒子物理实验室&欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)的官员目前仍保持着沉默。

    The officials at the European particle-physics laboratory CERN , meanwhile , are tight-lipped .

  7. 有限温下量子色动力学(QCD)的性质是目前粒子物理领域研究的热点之一。

    The properties of Quantum Chromodynamics in finite temperature is one of the hot topics in particle physics .

  8. 去年7月,拥有大型强子对撞机(LargeHadronCollider)的欧洲粒子物理实验室CERN说,可能已经发现了类似希格斯的粒子。

    In July , the European particle-physics laboratory CERN , which runs an atom-smashing machine called the Large Hadron Collider , said it may have discovered a Higgs-like particle .

  9. OPERA探测从瑞士日内瓦附近的CERN欧洲粒子物理实验室发射的穿透地层的的中微子。

    Lurking in Italy 's subterranean Gran Sasso National Laboratory , OPERA detects neutrinos that are fired through the earth from the European particle physics laboratory , CERN , near Geneva , Switzerland .

  10. 因此,在欧洲粒子物理研究所,由JasperKirkby领导的一个小组,决定在实验室中再现太阳活动周期和大气层。

    A team at CERN , led by Jasper Kirkby , therefore decided to recreate both the solar cycle and the atmosphere in a lab.

  11. 量子色动力学(QCD)是描述夸克胶子之间强相互作用的非阿贝尔规范理论,也是粒子物理标准模型中一个基本组成部分。

    Quantum chromodynamics ( QCD ) is a non-Abel gauge theory that describe the strong interaction between quarks and gluons , it is also a basic part of the stan-dard model of particle physics .

  12. 无论以何种方式,这个问题应该都会在2012年得到解决,欧洲粒子物理实验室和美国费米实验室(fermilab)都会继续这方面的实验。

    The question should be settled one way or another in 2012 , through further neutrino experiments at CERN and Fermilab in the US .

  13. 20年前的3月,当时在欧洲粒子物理实验室cern工作的蒂姆伯纳斯-李爵士(sirtimberners-lee)提议,创建一个能够管理实验信息、并允许人们通过一个超文本文件网络一起工作的网络。

    Twenty years ago this month , Sir Tim Berners-Lee , while working at CERN , the European particle physics laboratory , proposed a system that would manage information about its experiments and enable people to work together through a web of hypertext documents .

  14. 探寻相对论性核-核碰撞中夸克-胶子等离子体(QGP)形成的相变信号、高温高密极端条件下的核物质特性是目前粒子物理和核物理领域的研究热点。

    To explore the signals of quark-gluon plasma ( QGP ) phase transitions and the properties of heated and compressed nuclear matter transiently appeared in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions is the hot topic in the field of particle physics and nuclear physics .

  15. 世纪之交的中国粒子物理

    Partical Physics at the Cross of Centuries China 's Market Focus

  16. 粒子物理中的超对称、超统一和高维复空间

    Supersymmetry , super-unification and higher-dimensional complex space in particle physics

  17. 这些规律对我们研究粒子物理、天体物理和宇宙论等。

    These laws enlighten our researches in particle physics , astrophysics and cosmology .

  18. 粒子物理中孤立子运动的研究

    Research on the motion of soliton in particle physics

  19. 我国粒子物理研究进展&50年回顾

    Progress of particle physics in China a review of the last fifty years

  20. 闪烁光纤及其在粒子物理实验中的应用

    The Application of Scintillating Fiber in Particle Physics Experiment

  21. 介子工厂及其粒子物理实验研究计划

    φ factory and its experimental program for particle physics

  22. 暗物质相关问题是当今粒子物理研究的热点。

    The Dark Matter problem is the hot research topic in particle physics .

  23. 我们要去瑞士参观欧洲粒子物理研究所的超级对撞机!

    Leonard : We 're going to Switzerland to see the CERN supercollider !

  24. 粒子物理实验中的精密时间间隔测量

    Review of methods and techniques of precise time interval measurements for particle physics experiments

  25. 沟道效应在粒子物理中的应用

    Application of channel in G to particle physics

  26. 物理课堂教学中提高学生素能的探讨高能物理和粒子物理

    On Improving Students ' Quality in Physics Teaching ; high energy and particle physics

  27. 这在粒子物理领域中意义重大。

    And in the world of particle physics , that 's pretty important stuff .

  28. 高能物理和粒子物理谈谈原子物理教学中思维能力的培养

    High energy and particle physics On Training Ability of Thinking in Teaching of Atomic Physics

  29. 重大项目粲粒子物理和τ轻子物理研究通过评审论证

    Passing evaluation and demonstration of nsf 's major project on charmed particle and τ lepton

  30. 强子的构成是粒子物理的基本问题之一。

    The inner structure of hadrons is one of the fundamental problems in particle physics .