- particle decay

A method of in-beam measurement of β ~ + delay particle decay
The impact of velocity on the lifetime of unstable particles and physical clocks can be understood from the influence of their motion relative to the local dominant gravity field on the physical processes underlying particle decay and timekeeping of clocks .
The Determination of the Position of the Decay Vertex of K_S ~ 0 and Λ in BES - ⅱ
In this paper the decay of the unstable particles is studied the correlation functions of various particle combination on ~ ( 58 ) Ni target are given .
More than half a million Z ° decays have been collected and analyzed by The four LEP experiments , OPAL , ALEPH , L3 and DELPHI , during the first year operation .
Particle Decay Study of Exotic Nuclei near Proton Drip Line
Up-down asymmetries of λ and σ decays
In this paper , the branch ratio of η→ππγ and η→ 3 π is studied through the analytic continuation of a dispersive relation with respect to the mass of η .
Because of low energy α particle and protons are usually produced in unusual nuclei delay decay , so detection of these particles become necessary for research of new nuclear decay mechanism and discovery of new nuclei .
J / ψ and ψ′ radiative decays to mesons are a good place to look for glueballs , hybrids and for extracting gg-q couplings .
Field-current relations and some decay widths of the new particles
The " normal " thing is for a particle to undergo decay and transmute itself into other lighter particles .
If the particle were then to decay into an electron and a ground-state dark matter particle , the electron would release gamma rays .
On the η _c ′ Particle and Its Electromagnetic Decays
The group b_2 and leptonic decays of strange particles
In this paper we have discussed the SU3 and G2 transformation properties of the weak interactions .
Selection rules in nonleptonic decays of strange particles
The radiative decay of an ω particle
The trace of this matrix appears neither in the zeroth order term of the mass relation nor in the production and decay interactions of particles .
By joint possessing quarks model , we studied the effect of quarks in nuclear weak interactions , calculated the width of A non-mesonic decay in different hypernuclei , and compared the results with the measurements and other existing calculations .
A possible meson spectrum and the production and decay of the new particles in the su_3 ~ ( 1 )× su_3 ~ ( 2 ) model
One might wonder if these particles could reach the detection apparatus before decaying .
But other sorts of subatomic process that do not involve the Higgs can produce precisely the same final readings as those the missing boson is predicted to generate .
Making use of energy level transition theories we analyze the three level energy system of a photosensitive molecule to build up decay traces of every energy level particle population .
Studying the production and decay natures of charm-particle , which contains charm quark , this is of great significance for testing the standard model , especially the perturbative and non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics ( QCD ) .
The accuracy of energy calibration can be improved through the analysis of detected products coming from decay of unstable particles in the measurement of particle correlations .
The experiment results of unstable nuclides decay by using the light charged particle correlation function obtained in ~ ( 12 ) C ( 46.7MeV / u ) + ~ ( 58 ) Ni experiment are reported .