
àn xīng
  • Dark star;faint star
暗星[àn xīng]
  1. 在以前的几百年中积累下的一些天图中,已经证实它是颗暗星。

    It had been identified as a faint star on a number of sky maps prepared during the preceding hundred years .

  2. 在1991年苍蝇座中的暗星其实是一个黑洞而非中子星。

    The dark star in Nova Muscae 1991 is a black hole rather than a neutron star

  3. 将这台声光频谱仪与澳大利亚的4米直径毫米波射电望远镜结合使用,观测到一些暗星云中具有不同形状的CO分子谱线。

    Conjunction with a 4m millimeter wave radio telescope in Australia , this acousto-optic spectrograph has detected some CO molecular lines with variant shapes from the southern dark clouds .

  4. 经鉴定委员会测试组专家测量后认为,在全视场(300mm×300mm)内,不管是边、角还是中心像均很圆,暗星像直径达018mm。

    In the whole field of view ( 30 × 30 cm ) from center to edge and corner , the images are round . The diameters of dim stars are 0.18 mm .

  5. 鬼星团天区中部560颗暗星的高精度位置

    High - precision positions of 560 faint stars in the central part of the praesepe region

  6. 亮星在图的顶部,暗星则在底部。

    Bright stars are found at the top of the diagram and faint stars at the bottom .

  7. 科学家们已发现明显的迹象表明:太阳有一个小弟弟,它是一颗暗星,其偏心轨道导致彗星群和流星雨周期性降落地球。

    Scientists have found compelling evidence that the sun has a baby brother , a dark star whose eccentric orbit is responsible for periodically showering the earth with comets and meteorites .

  8. 由于暗能量产生的负压作用,星体演化的最终结果还可能有其它状态,称之为暗能量星。

    Because there is negative pressure caused by dark energy , it is possible to exist the other final state of stars , we named it dark energy stars .