
àn shì
  • suggestion;imply;hint;hint at;indicative;insinuate;intimation;infer;connote;drop a hint;overtone;give an inkling of
暗示 [àn shì]
  • [drop a hint;hint;insinuate;give an inkling of] 不明说,而用含蓄的话或动作使人领会

  • 他用眼睛暗示我,叫我别往下说了

暗示[àn shì]
  1. 我应该给马特一点暗示吗?

    Should I drop a hint to Matt ?

  2. 讲话没有就这些措施的具体内容作出暗示。

    The statement gave no hint as to what the measures would be .

  3. 你要我开始讲话时能给我暗示一下吗?

    Can you cue me when you want me to begin speaking ?

  4. 早期的报道暗示叛乱武装插手了爆炸案。

    Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings .

  5. 她对暗示她在说谎的言论嗤之以鼻。

    She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying .

  6. 他已经暗示他打算退休。

    He has already intimated he intends to retire .

  7. 当有人暗示他不是地道的英国人时,他很是恼火。

    It grated with him when people implied he wasn 't really British .

  8. 她竟敢暗示我在撒谎?

    How dare she imply that I was lying ?

  9. 他们暗示说可能会有更多人失业。

    They hinted there might be more job losses .

  10. 这或暗示或明确地强调了金钱至上这一观念。

    It reinforces , implicitly or explicitly , the idea that money is all-important .

  11. 我想她在暗示什么,然而我也没再多问。

    I thought she was hinting at something , but I let it go .

  12. 那首歌充满了性的暗示。

    The song is full of sexual innuendo .

  13. 他暗示愿意合作。

    He indicated his willingness to cooperate .

  14. 她不断隐隐暗示她喜欢什么样的礼物。

    She 's been dropping subtle hints about what she 'd like as a present .

  15. 多数广告都是通过暗示而发挥作用。

    Most advertisements work through suggestion .

  16. 你在暗示什么?

    What are you hinting at ?

  17. 伊莎贝尔对于任何关于她恃才傲物的暗示都迅速予以否认。

    Isabelle is quick to refute any suggestion of intellectual snobbery .

  18. 他们对将会出现什么情况已作了明白的暗示。

    They 've been giving broad hints about what to expect .

  19. 其他人暗示他受雇于克格勃。

    Others hinted that he was in the employ of the KGB

  20. 警方暗示他们发现她行为非常可疑。

    The police inferred that they found her behaviour rather suspicious .

  21. 早先的报道暗示周日可能会召开会议。

    Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday

  22. 贝克暗示行政部门并不急于卷入争斗中。

    Baker suggested the administration wasn 't raring for a fight .

  23. 有人暗示他们可能是特务,这让他非常气愤。

    He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents

  24. 他暗示说内战是上天的惩罚。

    He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment .

  25. 暗示我们正在谈恋爱的说法真是太荒谬了。

    It is ridiculous to suggest we are having a romance

  26. 有人暗示他是个种族主义者,他对此十分恼火。

    He bristled with indignation at the suggestion that he was racist .

  27. 总统暗示他可能会在政府中进行某些改革。

    The President hinted he might make some changes in the government .

  28. 我并不是在暗示说,个人永远不要去谴责那些恶行。

    I am not suggesting that individuals never speak up about wrongdoing .

  29. 他指责摩尔夫人做下流的性暗示。

    He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent suggestion .

  30. 该杂志诬枉地暗示他撒谎,是伪君子。

    The magazine wrongly suggested he was a liar and a hypocrite .