
zhóu sī
  • axoneme;axial filament
轴丝[zhóu sī]
  1. 密螺旋体Reiter株纯化轴丝在梅毒血清学诊断中的应用

    The Application of the Purified Axial Filament of the Reiter treponeme in the serodiagnosis of syphilis

  2. 在远端中心粒的中央有轴丝的两条中央微管和两条内棒(internalrobs)。

    At the center of the distal centriole there is central fiber of axoneme and two internal robs .

  3. 钩端螺旋体轴丝的分离纯化和SDS-PAGE分析

    Purification : and SDS-PAGE analysis of axial filaments from leptospires

  4. 为探讨Mg~(2+)ATP酶在精子轴丝内的分布而进行此实验。

    This experiment was carried out to investigate the activity of Mg ~ ( 2 + ) - ATPase in axoneme of human spermatozoa .

  5. 棉酚对海胆精子鞭毛轴丝及力蛋白(Dynein)ATP酶的抑制作用

    The inhibitory effect of gossypol on the sperm flagella axonemal and dynein ATPase in sea urchin

  6. 本试验以纯化的Reiter株轴丝为抗原,建立了AF-ELISA试验方法。

    Using the purified axial filaments of the Reiter treponeme , we developed an enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay ( AF-ELISA ) for the serodiagnosis of syphilis .

  7. 轴丝与线粒体衍生体之间的连接带3条;

    There are three connecting bands between mitochondrial derivatives and axoneme .

  8. 主段的中心结构是轴丝。

    The central structure of the principal piece is axoneme .

  9. 在此阶段,轴丝是由9个具有马达蛋白臂的双微管组成,缺乏辐射轴和两个中央单微管。

    At this stage , the axoneme consists of nine microtubular doublets .

  10. 精子的尾部只含一条结构为9+1的轴丝。

    The posterior of the tail contained only an axoneme .

  11. 末段细长,轴丝为典型的9+2结构。

    The end piece has a typical structure of the 9 + 2 .

  12. 轴丝为典型的“9+2”微管对复合体结构。

    The flagellum has the typical axoneme structure of " 9 + 2 " model .

  13. 终段轴丝为9×2+2形式。

    The axoneme element at the end piece ranks in 9 × 2 + 2 type .

  14. 孢子萌发后直接产生块状原丝体;块状原丝体上产生轴丝体、绿丝体和次生假根。

    The production of massive protonema immediately follows and then caulonema , chloronema and secondary rhizoides .

  15. 主段的中央为轴丝,轴丝外周有纤维鞘。

    The principal-piece of the tail was characterized by a fibrous sheath enclosing a typical axoneme .

  16. 三个主要的建筑上的轴丝构成的核心,天坛。

    The three major constructions on the axle wire constitute the core of the Temple of Heaven .

  17. 轴丝两侧的副纤维结构前者为2副体,后者为2副微管;

    Two lateral additional fibrous structures are accessory bodies in the former , and accessory tubules in the latter .

  18. 鞭毛长约15μm,其轴丝为典型的“9+2”结构。

    The flagellar tail is about 15 μ m in length containing the conventional " 9 + 2 " axoneme .

  19. 末段仅由轴丝复合体和表面的细胞膜组成,其中的微管逐渐分散成单个排列。

    The end piece only contains an axonemal complex surrounded by cell membrane , the microtubules in which are dispersed gradually .

  20. 鞭毛从袖套腔中伸出,鞭毛的中心结构是轴丝;

    The flagellum stretched out of the central space of the sleeve . The central structure of the flagellum was axoneme .

  21. 精子鞭毛轴丝由外周9组微管和两根中央微管构成;

    In the shaft of the spermatozoal flagellum , nine microtubular doublets are forming a ring around a central pair of microtubules .

  22. 2.3精子尾部超微结构线粒体鞘,纤维鞘,外周致密纤维,轴丝(透射电镜观察)。

    Ultrastructure of sperm flagellum : mitochondrial sheath , fibrous sheath , outer dense fibers and axoneme were observed under the transmission electronmicroscope .

  23. 一个早期基体&轴丝复合体的轴丝是由具有内、外动力蛋白臂的9个双微管组成,缺少中央微管。

    The early axoneme of a basal body-axoneme complex consists nine doublets with only inner and outer dynein arms , no central microtubules .

  24. 2蚕豆形副体位于9+9+2轴丝的两侧;

    Two broad bean-shaped accessory bodies are located laterally to the axoneme , which is of a typical 9 + 9 + 2 pattern .

  25. 在主段的末端,构成轴丝的微管螺旋成篓状结构。

    At the end of the principal piece , the microtubules , which constitute the axoneme , spiral to become a basket like structure .

  26. 囊泡鞘和侧鳍与轴丝的中央微管同在Y轴上;

    The cross axis and the central microtubule of the axoneme of the vesicle sheath and lateral fin are situated in the Y axis together .

  27. 但在过渡区鞭毛轴丝中央无电子致密物质,呈9×2+0型。

    But the axoneme in the transition area ( anterior part of the tail ) lacks central material , forming 9 × 2 + 0 type .

  28. 头部长约5-6μm,占体长的1/3,有一个较长的核缠绕着轴丝,无线粒体。

    The head measured about 5-6 μ m in length , 1 / 3 of the total body length and contained an elongated nucleus which twined around the axoneme without mitochondria .

  29. 应用细胞整装制备和穿透电子显微镜技术,在家蚕4龄幼虫睾丸育精囊的初级精母幼胞内检查出四个基体&轴丝复合体结构。

    Using cell whole mount preparation , tetrad basal boby-axoneme complexes in the primary spermatocyte from testicular cysts of fourth instar larvae of Bombyx mori are examined by transmission electron microscopy .

  30. 远端中心粒呈钟罩形,顶端与近端中心粒相连,底部开口处与精子尾部轴丝端相连。

    The distal centriole is like a bell , with its top connecting to the proximal centriole and with the entrance of its bottom connecting to the axoneme of the sperm tail .