
zhóu tū
  • axon;axone;axis cylinder
轴突[zhóu tū]
  1. 一种白色油脂物质,形成一些神经纤维轴突外包裹的一层髓鞘。

    A white fatty substance that forms a medullary sheath around the axis cylinder of some nerve fibers .

  2. 结果:免疫组化结果EGFR在正常大脑皮质神经元中弱表达,EGFR在神经元中分布比较广泛,在神经元的胞膜、胞质及轴突均有表达。

    RESULTS : The immunohistochemistry results showed that EGFR was low expression in normal cerebral cortex neurons . The distribution of EGFR in neurons was very extensive , and could be found in plasmalemma , neuroplasm and axis cylinder .

  3. A、B组与C组,电生理测定与移植体中段轴突计数均有显著性差异。

    There is a significant discrepancy between group A or B and C. ?

  4. B组可以看到炎性细胞侵润,但仍可见再生轴突通过移植体;

    Inflammatory cells infiltration was observed in group B and regenerative axons were observed too .

  5. C组动物,SCI区未见有髓及无髓轴突。

    Otherwise , there were not regenerated axons in C group .

  6. 大鼠脊髓V层轴突终末的亚显微结构

    Ultrastructure of normal axonal terminals in lamina V of the rat spinal cord

  7. 主要观察指标:大鼠造模前、治疗后3d及1,2,3周斜板试验结果以及大鼠造模后2d和3周白质区轴突计数。

    Axonal count in white matter at 2 days and 3 weeks after model establishment .

  8. 非选择性ATP受体拮抗剂对坐骨神经再生轴突诱向作用影响的实验研究

    The effect on sciatic nerve regeneration of non-selective antagonist of ATP receptors

  9. 高眼压持续时间越长轴突损害越严重(P<0.001),两者呈显著相关。

    The more continuous time of elevated IOP . the more serious does the optic nerve damage ( P < 0.001 ), both presented significant correlation .

  10. 软骨素酶ABC促进大鼠脊髓损伤后轴突再生和功能恢复的初步研究

    Chondroitinase ABC promotes axonal regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord injury in rats

  11. 从轴突释出的ATP的确引发了钙离子流入许旺氏细胞。

    ATP released from an axon was indeed triggering calcium influx into Schwann cells .

  12. Morris水迷宫训练诱导大鼠海马轴突重塑

    Hippocampal axons remodeling was induced by Morris water maze in rats

  13. 细胞外ATP对周围神经导管中再生轴突诱导作用的实验研究

    Guidance of regenerating axon by extracellular ATP at peripheral nerve conduit : an experimental study

  14. 目的研究酵母系统表达人亲肝素性促轴突生长因子(heparin-bindingneurite-promotingFactor,HBNF)的活性,并观察其对体外培养细胞的促轴突生长作用。

    Objective To express recombinant human heparin binding neurite promoting factor ( hrHBNF ) with yeast expression system , and to observe its in vitro activity of stimulating neurites outgrowth .

  15. 溃变轴突终末与非HRP标记的远端树突形成轴-树突触;

    Degenerated axonal terminals formed axo-dendritic synapses with non HRP labelled den drites ;

  16. 基因转染后24h在荧光显微镜下观察到胞体及轴突发出绿色荧光的螺旋神经节细胞。

    The cell bodies and axons of SGCs with green fluorescence were observed by fluorescence microscope .

  17. 免疫组化结果显示,NG组坐骨神经纤维雪旺氏细胞及轴突无表达或为弱阳性。

    Immunization show that NG Group sciatic nerve fibers Schwann cells and axons no express or weak positive .

  18. 目的通过磁共振波谱(MRS)技术对大鼠弥漫性轴突损伤(DAI)进行早期检测,观察DAI早期神经化学代谢的改变,探讨DAI早期MRS检测的最佳时间。

    S Objective To observe the changes in neurochemical metabolites at early stage of DAI in rats with MRS technique .

  19. Tau蛋白是一种微管相关蛋白,主要存在于神经元的轴突和胞浆内。

    Tau protein is a microtubule-associated protein , predominantly localized in neuronal axons and cytoplasm .

  20. CGRP阳性轴突与阴性反应的小强荧光细胞构成轴体突触。

    CGRP-IR axon formed symmetric axo-somatic synapse with SP-axon which formed symmetric axo-dendritic synapse with CGRP-negative SIF cell .

  21. 视黄酸(RetinoicAcid,RA)在神经系统中起着许多关键作用,例如神经分化,轴突伸长和神经模式的建成。

    Retinoic acid ( RA ) plays multiple roles in the nervous system , including induction of neural differentiation , axon outgrowth and neural patterning .

  22. 实验组中DRG轴突生长情况优于对照组。

    The growth of neuritis from DRG in EG was better than it in CG .

  23. 1d后卵白蛋白组出现少许轴突回缩球,3d后达到高峰。

    After 1 day , cells edema aggravated and axonal retraction ball formed and reached the peach at 3 days in the ovalbumin group .

  24. B组NGF侧再生纤维排列欠整齐,以有髓纤维为主,且髓鞘厚,轴突直径大;

    In group B at the NGF side , there was fair-arranged nerve fiber , mainly with myelinated nerve , and with thick myelin large axon diameter .

  25. 此外,SP阳性轴突末梢还可与NT阳性神经元的树突棘形成对称性轴-棘突触及与NT阳性轴突形成对称性轴-轴突触。

    In addition , SP-positive axonal terminals established symmetric axospinous synapses with NT-positive dendritic spines , and axo-axonic synapses with NT-positive axons .

  26. 某些阳性树突和轴突作为突触后成分,与CCK阴性结构形成轴树和轴轴突触。

    Some of them as postsynaptic elements formed axodendritic and axoaxonic synapses with CCK-negative structures .

  27. 而轴突终末A1与Ⅱ型树突D形成轴-树突触(A1-D)。

    But axon terminal A1 synapses with type ⅱ dendrite D to form the axodendritic synapse ( A1-D ) .

  28. 吻合口神经纤维通过率、吻合口远端轴突截面积均有显著性差异(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    Moreover , there were great improvement of axon cross rate and the recovery rate of sectional area of nerve fiber at the distal end in glue adhesion group ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  29. SCs分泌的神经营养因子对于促进轴突生长、预防神经元凋亡具有重要作用。

    The secretion of neurotrophic factors by SCs is necessary to promote axon growth and prevent neurons from initiating apoptosis .

  30. 戊巴比妥对大鼠骨胳肌辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的轴突摄取和逆行传送作用

    Effect of pentobarbital on the uptake and the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase ( hrp ) from rat skeletal muscle