
zhóu xīn ɡuó
  • the Axis;Axis powers
  1. 年,南斯拉夫被轴心国占领了。

    In1941 , Yugoslavia was occupied by the Axis Powers .

  2. 其中一个主要困难是缺乏轴心国和货币锚,这为后文研究东亚货币合作中人民币与日元的关系做好了铺垫。

    Lacking of Axis powers and currency anchor are major problems of the regional currency cooperation .

  3. 2002年1月29日,总统乔治W.布什在他第一次国情咨文中对包括北韩、伊朗和伊拉克在内的“邪恶轴心国”作出警告。

    On Jan. 29 , 2002 , in his first State of the Union address , President George W. Bush warned of " an axis of evil " consisting of North Korea , Iran and Iraq .

  4. 轴心国风暴突击队在撤退时将会失去伪装。

    Axis stormtroopers will now come out of camouflage while retreating .

  5. 到1947年,同盟国势力被迫投降于轴心国的控制。

    By1947 , allied forces had surrendered to axis control .

  6. 轴心国步兵突击队(风暴突击队)现在消耗从400降低到350。

    Axis Infantry Assault Team cost decreased to 350 manpower from 400 .

  7. 轴心国城市突击队改名为城市突击支援。

    Axis Urban Assault Team has been renamed to Urban Assault Support .

  8. 日本作为轴心国参加了第一次世界大战。

    Japan entered World War I and declared war on the Central Powers .

  9. 似乎苏联和东南战线无法抵挡轴心国的力量。

    There seemed no stopping the Axis forces in Russia and the south-east .

  10. 二战中的轴心国是指德国、意大火利和日本。

    The axis powers in World War two were germany , Italy and japan .

  11. 加入轴心国可能触怒塞尔维亚人。

    To join the Axis might infuriate Servia .

  12. 美国与轴心国交战,他就应征去当兵了。

    He was drafted by the U.S.An army which was at war with axis powers .

  13. 它将同轴心国进行经济和军事的较量

    It will go to war with the economic and military powers of the Axis :

  14. 轴心国手榴弹射程显著增加。

    Axis grenade ability range increased significantly .

  15. 控诉和惩处欧洲轴心国主要战犯的协定;

    Agreement for the prosecution and punishment of the major war criminals of the European axis ;

  16. 欧洲轴心国是感到了这一变化的;希特勒采取了最后挣扎的政策。

    The European Axis Powers have sensed it , and Hitler is adopting a desperate last-ditch policy .

  17. 他和墨索里尼领导的意大利、东条英机领导的日本联盟结成轴心国。

    He led by Italy and Mussolini , Hideki Tojo led Japan to form the Axis alliance .

  18. 我们的不妥协政策对轴心国的平民百姓并无恶意。

    In our uncompromising policy we mean no harm to the common people of the Axis nations .

  19. 她的轴心国伙伴意大利已经开小差,盟军正挺进。

    Her axis partner , italy , had defected , and the Allies were advancing up the boot .

  20. 是当时美国政府发行了这张债券来支持西班牙地下组织与轴心国之间的战争

    Yeah , the U.S. issued it to support the spanish underground in their battle against the Axis .

  21. 1940年,罗马尼亚加入轴心国,参加了1941年德国入侵苏联的战争。

    In1940 , Romania allied with the Axis powers and participated in the1941 German invasion of the USSR .

  22. 美国参战,使反法西斯盟国的力量大大超过了轴心国。

    The participation of the United States made the strength of the anti-fascist allied nations consumedly exceed Axis alliance .

  23. 以及,没有对轴心国帮凶的缅邦实行军备限制而负有不可推卸的历史责任!

    Well , not an accomplice of the Axis implementation of arms limitation and Myanmar state inescapable historical responsibility !

  24. 同时,在比雷埃夫斯,希腊地下工作人员进行出色而英勇的怠工行动来阻挠轴心国的航运。

    Simultaneously , brilliant and daring sabotage operations were carried out by Greek agents against Axis shipping in the Piraeus .

  25. 轴心国维亚纳商务酒店及水疗中心,是该集团的酒店和高尔夫球轴最近的单位。

    The Axis Viana Business & SPA Hotel , is the most recent unit of the group Axis Hotels and Golf .

  26. 那是1942年,世界还处于战争中,这座与影片齐名的城市当时为轴心国所占领。

    It was 1942 , the world was at war , and the eponymous city was occupied by the Axis powers .

  27. 轴心国摩托车对轻武器耐受能力增加。矩形加筋圆柱壳轴压屈曲承载力优化

    Axis Motorcycle more resilient to small arms fire . Buckling capacity optimization of cylindrical shell with rectangle stiffeners under uniform axial compression

  28. 事实上,英国和美国正在动员除了轴心国和苏联外整个世界的贸易经济。

    Indeed , Britain and the United States found themselves planning the entire trading economy of the world outside Axis and Soviet jurisdiction .

  29. 布殊曾把伊朗列为邪恶轴心国之一,和伊拉克及北韩并列。

    Bush has in the past named Iran as part of an " axis of evil " along with Iraq and North Korea .

  30. 1918年3月3日,俄罗斯与轴心国签署《布列斯特条约》,俄罗斯退出第一次世界大战。

    On March 3 , 1918 , Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Central Powers , ending Russian participation in World War I.