  • axle;shaft;axis;roller

  • 见 "压轴子"
  • 穿在轮子中间的圆柱形物件:~心。轮~。

  • 像车轴的用来卷绕东西的圆柱形器物:画~。卷~。

  • 量词,古代用于以轴装成的书卷,现用于缠在轴上的线以及装裱带轴子的字画等:“邺侯家多书,插架三万~”。两~丝线。

  • 纺织机上持经线的工具:杼~。

  • 枢要的地位:当~(a.当权,官居要职;b.居要职的官)。

  • 数学上指一条直线,周围的点围绕它旋转,或是用它作为确定各点位置的标准:转动~。坐标~。

  • [大~子]戏曲演出排在最末的一出,一般都是重头、精采的剧目:压~(倒数第二出戏)。


(圆柱形的零件) axle; shaft:

  • 轮轴

    wheel axle; wheel spindle;

  • 曲轴

    crank shaft;

  • 阀轴

    valve spindle


(对称部分的直线) axis:

  • 视轴

    the visual axis;

  • 地轴

    the earth's axis


(圆柱形的缠绕器物) roller; spool:

  • 卷轴


  • 线轴儿



3] (用于缠在轴上的线以及装裱带轴子的字画):

  • 两轴丝线

    two spools of silk thread;

  • 一轴国画

    a scroll of Chinese traditional painting

  1. 这轴儿磨坏了。

    The axle is worn .

  2. 基于FPGA的嵌入式通用轴角测角平台系统的研究

    A Survey on Embedded System of Measuring Axle - Angle Based on FPGA

  3. 轴颈在轴承面上摩擦。

    The journal rubs against the bearing surface .

  4. 以垂直y轴表示距离,而以水平x轴表示时间。

    Plot distance on the vertical Y-axis against time on the horizontal x-axis .

  5. 鸟羽毛的羽轴一般是中空的。

    The stem of the bird feather is usually hollow .

  6. 活塞通过连杆与驱动轴相连。

    A piston links to a drive shaft by means of a connecting rod .

  7. 汽轮机的轴与发电机的转子相连接。

    The shaft of the turbine is coupled to the rotor of the generator .

  8. 作一组直角坐标轴,把各力都分解成正交分量。

    Construct a set of rectangular axes and resolve any inclined forces into rectangular components .

  9. 地球绕轴自转。

    The earth rotates on its axis .

  10. 他这个人就是太轴。

    He is too direct .

  11. 地球的自转轴是一条贯穿北极和南极的假想轴。

    The axis of the earth is an imaginary line through the north pole and the South pole .

  12. 因为发动机没有阀门,它不需要任何凸轮轴、起阀器等。

    Since the engine has no valves , it doesn 't need any camshaft , valve lifters and so on .

  13. x轴的测量单位是天。

    The unit of measurement for the x-axis is days .

  14. 在图1中,我们看到x轴表示学生获得的分数,y轴表示获得相应分数的学生人数。

    In Graph 1 , we see that the x-axis shows grades hat students earned , and the y-axis shows how many students earned each grade .

  15. y轴的测量单位是公里。

    The unit of measurement for the y-axis is kilometers .

  16. 标签显示每个轴衡量的是什么。

    The label tells you what each axis measures .

  17. 每个轴都有一个标签。

    Each axis will always have a label .

  18. 它与条形图具有相同的部分-两个标记的轴-并且可以以相同的方式读取。

    It has the Same parts as a bar graph – two labeled axes – and can be read the same way .

  19. 大多数图形都有几个基本部分:说明文字或介绍段落、标题、图例或符号说明,以及带标记的轴。

    Most graphs have a few basic parts : a caption or introduction paragraph , a title , a legend or key , and labeled axes .

  20. 许多图形,包括条形图和折线图,有两个轴组成一个角,通常这些轴是图形的左侧和底部。

    Many graphs , including bar graphs and line graphs , have two axes that form a corner , usually these axes are the left side and the bottom of the graph .

  21. 用散光的方法来提取光源在Z轴上的位置。

    Using astigmatic method to extract information of light source in z axis .

  22. 竹蜻蜓Bamboodragonfly竹蜻蜓有一个类似直升机的顶轴,上面绕着一根绳子,轴上伸出一个水平叶片。

    Bamboo dragonfly has a helicopter top axis6 with a cord wound around it , with a horizontal blade sticking out from the axis .

  23. 托马斯蹲在前甲板上擦起锚绞车的黄铜轴,边擦边胡乱吹着口哨。

    Thomas squatted on the forward deck , whistling tunelessly , polishing the broze spool of the anchor winch .

  24. 单轴经济切割机可处理大多数材料,包括乙烯,塑料薄膜,无纺布,泡沫和纸张

    Single shaft economy slitter handles most materials including vinyl , plastic films , non-woven s , foams and paper .

  25. 阶梯轴锻模CAD软件开发及图形的处理

    CAD Saftware Development and Graphics Processing for Stepped Shaft Forging Dies

  26. 岩石单轴受力CT识别损伤本构关系的探讨

    The Discussion about Damage Constitutive Relation of Rock under Uniaxial Stress Identified by CT

  27. 研究表明:热处理可使c轴生长的薄膜取向性增强;

    The as-grown films possessed c - axis orientation , which is enhanced in the annealing process .

  28. 并进行了BP神经网络预测冻土单轴抗压强度的研究。

    And has conducted the BP network forecast frozen soil uniaxial compressive strength research .

  29. 快速轴流CO2激光器研究

    Fast Axial - flow CO_2 Laser Study

  30. 用激光和V型块测量轴径的方法

    The Method of Measurement of the Shaft Diameter by Laser and V - type Block