
  • 网络Israeli-Palestinian conflict;Israel-Palestinian conflict
  1. 巴以冲突严重,我们只想它能消失

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is bad , and we wish it could just disappear .

  2. 假若没有对巴以冲突和伊拉克战争离题的长篇大论这本书还算可以。

    This book could probably do without his long digressions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Iraq war .

  3. 或者是一项针对巴以冲突的政策&这项政策将超出前欧盟外交事务专员彭定康勋爵(LordPatten)称为参加四方会谈的庄严战略?

    A policy towards the Israel-Palestine conflict that reaches beyond what Lord Patten , the former European external affairs commissioner , once called a solemn strategy of attending meetings of the Quartet ?

  4. 在BBC的一次采访中,英国外交部长威廉·黑格呼吁美国对巴以冲突作出表率。

    In an interview with the BBC , British Foreign Secretary William Hague called for the U.S. to take a decisive lead in the search for a solution to the Israeli Palestinian conflict .

  5. 巴以冲突的民族和宗教根源

    National and Religious Roots of the Conflict between Palestine and Israel

  6. 欧盟在未来解决巴以冲突问题中的角色和作用分析

    Analysis on Role of EU in Resolving Palestine-Israel Conflict in Future

  7. 巴以冲突的由来与展望

    The cause of the conflict Between Palestine and Israel and its Prospect

  8. 巴以冲突症结分析

    An Analysis About the Cruxes of the Conflict Between Palestine and Israel

  9. 巴以冲突:理论构建与前瞻分析

    Palestine-Israeli Conflict : Composition of Theory and Analysis of Prospect

  10. 宗教伦理在解决巴以冲突中的价值体现

    The Value of Religious Ethics in Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

  11. 从文明交往看巴以冲突

    A Civilized Communication As Evoked in The Conflict Between Palestine And Israel

  12. 这些来自不同方面的因素共同促成了巴以冲突的持续。

    All these factors together lead to the continuation of the conflicts .

  13. 巴以冲突:主要影响因素及预测分析

    Palestine-Israel Conflicts : Main Effecting Factors and Predictive Analysis

  14. 巴以冲突中巴方弱势地位分析

    Analyzing the Inferior Position of Palestine in the Conflict Between Palestine and Israel

  15. 当前这场巴以冲突的持续,具有多方面的复杂原因。

    There are many complex causes of the constant conflicts between Palestine and Israel .

  16. 他任职期间主要关注巴以冲突。

    Much of his focus during that time was on the Israeli Palestinian conflict .

  17. 对巴以冲突的展望,最终的解决办法也是最好的解决方法就是和平方式。

    As for the conflict between Palestine and israel , the best way is peace negotiations .

  18. 如何解决巴以冲突是欧洲国家多年来极为关注的问题。

    The European nations have been concerning about how to solve the Palestine-Israel conflict for many years .

  19. 现代化与巴以冲突

    Modernization and Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

  20. 拉宾所签署的《奥斯陆和平协议》并没有结束巴以冲突。

    The Oslo peace deal signed under Rabin did not lead to the end of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict .

  21. 巴以冲突、伊拉克战争、恐怖活动等都是各大媒体最吸引人们眼球的重点新闻。

    The Palestinian-Israeli conflict , the Iraq War , terrorist activities are all eye-catching news in world media .

  22. 由于巴以冲突在历史发展过程中的嬗变,导致问题日趋复杂化。

    The situation has become more and more complicated during the evolution of the conflict in the history .

  23. 普通妇女对于和平的渴望在巴以冲突地区越来越强烈地表现出来。

    For the common women , the longing for peace is getting stronger and stronger in this area .

  24. 他还重申土耳其支持联合国安理会最近通过的关于巴以冲突的决议。

    He reiterated Turkey 's support to the recent UN Security Council resolution on Palestine and Israel conflict .

  25. 内塔尼亚胡反对1993年签署的《奥斯陆协议》,该协议寻求解决巴以冲突,使巴勒斯坦实现自治。

    Mr Netanyahu opposed the 1993 Oslo accords , which sought to resolve the conflict and establish Palestinian self-rule .

  26. 因为我们共同面临着巴以冲突问题,我们总是在餐厅一同讨论这个问题。

    Because we have a shared conflict , a common thing we always talked about in the dining hall .

  27. 1987年爆发的巴勒斯坦大起义是巴以冲突史上的一个重要转折点,对这次大起义的研究理所当然地成为巴勒斯坦问题及中东问题研究的一个重要组成部分。

    The Palestinian uprising that erupted in December 1987 is an important turning point in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts .

  28. 据新闻报道,叙利亚和伊拉克两国的内战正趋于合并,且有可能很快与巴以冲突交集。

    On the news , the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars are merging , and may soon intersect with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict .

  29. 我们相信巴以冲突的解决是实现中东持久和平的基本要素。

    We believe that the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a fundamental component for building a sustainable peace in the Middle East .

  30. 你听过我们在之前的节目或经常在巴以冲突中提到过这个中东地区。

    You 've heard us mention this region of the Middle East before , or often in the contest of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict .