
  • 网络Priam
  1. 老国王普里阿摩斯觉得他躲在高高的城墙后面很安全。

    Old King Priam thinks he 's untouchable behind his high walls .

  2. 赫克托耳:特洛伊王子,普里阿摩斯的长子,被阿喀琉斯杀死。

    A Trojan prince , the eldest son of Priam , killed by Achilles .

  3. 目前状况:经过多年的磋商,大都会博物馆在2008年把陶瓶归还给了意大利,作为交换,博物馆获得了借走几件相同价值文物的用来展览的权利。7:普里阿摩斯的宝藏Priam'sTreasure

    Current Status : After several years of negotiation , the Met returned the krater to Italy in 2008 in exchange for the rights to display several comparable artifacts on loan .

  4. 国王普里阿摩斯送给他一座府邸,和他的兄弟特洛伊的其他王子所居住的一样。

    King Priam gave him a house like those of his brothers , the Trojan princes .

  5. 德国二战期间的对文物的偷盗甚至有了些传奇色彩,但是他们的确是失去普里阿摩斯宝藏的受害者。

    Germany 's plunder during World War II was legendary , but with Priam 's Treasure they were the victims .

  6. 听说他还要把普里阿摩斯的女儿预言家卡桑德拉带回家来作虽无名份却是实在的妻子。

    He was said to BE bringing back Priam 's daughter Cassandra , the prophetess , as his wife in all but name .

  7. 普里阿摩斯:特洛伊国王,帕里斯、克托耳和卡桑德拉的父亲,在希腊人攻陷特洛伊城时被杀。

    The father of Paris , Hector , and Cassandra and King of Troy , who was killed whe his city fell to the Greeks .

  8. 1837年,小亚细亚地区,德国的考古学家海因里希谢里曼发现了这些古器物(主要是金,铜的盾和武器),并用普里阿摩斯(特洛伊的国王)为其命名。

    German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the artifacts - mostly gold , copper shields and weapons - in Anatolia 1837 and named them for Priam , king of Troy .