
  • 网络Lake Placid
  1. 美国对运动员的投入相对很少,美国奥委会每年平均提供1.062亿美元用于训练和招待冬季及夏季奥运会的运动员以及维护其位于科罗拉多斯普林斯、纽约州普莱西德湖(LakePlacid)和加州丘拉维斯塔(ChulaVista)的训练中心。

    It spends relatively little on athletes . The USOC shells out on average $ 106.2 million a year to train and treat its winter and summer athletes and maintain its training centers in Colorado Springs , Lake Placid , N.Y. , and Chula Vista , Calif.

  2. 奥林匹克志愿者最早出现在奥运会上是在1980年的普莱西德湖冬奥会。

    It was not until the 1980 Lake Placid Olympics that that the " Olympic Volunteer Movement " commenced .

  3. 一些酒店,如纽约的普莱西德湖酒店、摩纳哥芝加哥酒店,都推出了数码排毒与熄灯服务。

    Hotels like the Lake Placid Lodge in New York and Hotel Monaco Chicago are offering digital detox or black-out services .

  4. 一些酒店,如纽约的普莱西德湖酒店、摩纳哥芝加哥酒店,都推出了“数码排毒”与“熄灯”服务。

    Hotels like the Lake Placid Lodge in New York and Hotel Monaco Chicago are offering digital detox or " black-out " services .

  5. 要达到要求非常困难:虽然布鲁曼克伦兹两次在纽约州普莱西德湖完成长距离铁人三项赛,但他不是顶尖运动员。布鲁曼克伦兹住在纽约州老布鲁克维尔。

    Qualifying was difficult : Although he had twice completed the Ironman distance race in Lake Placid , N.Y. , Mr. Blumencranz is not an elite athlete .

  6. 普莱西德湖酒店更是推出“入住即获解放”服务,其顾客可以将自己的电子产品全部寄放在前台,尽情享受自然的宁静与内心的平和。

    The " Check-In to Check-Out " package at the Lake Placid Lodge invites guests to leave their electronic devices at the front desk to enjoy the peace and serenity of their environment . Time to take control