
  • 网络Ordinary door;Potongmun
  1. 用抓斗的普通门式起重机工作级别较高。

    With a grab of ordinary high-level gantry crane .

  2. 它的应用范围与普通磁通门一样,而性能参数使其适用于涡流测试。

    The scope of its application as an ordinary fluxgate , while the performance parameters make it applicable to eddy current testing .

  3. 它采用高级计算机辅助设计技术进行器件的开发与设计,其优越性大大超过普通TTL集成门。

    It is designed by EDA technology , and has superiority over the TTL logic integrated gate .

  4. 用普通示波器测门电路平均传输时间

    Measuring average transmission time of gate circuit with an ordinary oscilloscope

  5. 数学和物理学是普通高中两门非常重要的基础学科。

    Mathematics and physics are two very important basic disciplines of high school .

  6. 作为车辆的重要装备,高速列车一般采用塞拉门来替代普通的折页门结构。塞拉门在设计制造中面临许多难点,国内对此的研究和实验还很少。

    Though there are many difficulties found in design and manufacture of sliding-plug door , analysis and experimental research about them are in rare number .

  7. 要学这个学程,就须要通过普通教育证书两门学科的高级证书考试。

    For this course , you need two GCE Advanced Level passes .

  8. 1998年,文献[1]提出了或记论的的概念,提出一个基本RS触发器只要用一个或记门(即普通的与门域门)就可以实现。

    In 1998 , a new concept Or-memory gate [ 1 ] is proposed . It supposed that just one gate is possible to structure an R-S flip-flop .

  9. 适用于普通窗、玻璃门及大型推拉玻璃门。

    Apply to ordinary windows , glass doors and large sliding glass doors .

  10. 《实用英语》是普通专科阶段一门重要的公共基础课程。

    Practical English is an important course for the college students who are not English majors .

  11. 方法依据是否合并肝静脉损伤,将病人分为普通第二肝门肝损伤组和肝静脉损伤组;

    Methods According to with or without hepatic vein injuries , patients were classified into common injury group and hepatic vein injury group .