
  • Mount Putuo
  1. 普陀山负责人没有回复记者的置评请求。

    Mount Putuo officials didn 't respond to a request for comment .

  2. 普陀山真是一个理想的旅游胜地。

    Mount Putuo is really an idea tourist vesort .

  3. 南国之秋,当然是也有它的特异的地方的,比如廿四桥的明月,钱塘江的秋潮,普陀山的凉雾,荔枝湾的残荷等等,可是色彩不浓,回味不永。

    Autumn in the South also has its unique features , such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou , the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River , the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay . But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour .

  4. 普陀山有多座知名的佛教寺庙,同时也是国家5A级旅游风景区。

    It has several well-known Buddhist temples and is also among top-tier national scenic areas in China .

  5. 普陀山寺院、庵堂群集。

    Putuo Monastery is actually a large mass of majestic structures .

  6. 浙江普陀山岛老红砂的成因与环境

    Origin and Circumstance of Old Red Sand Sediment On Putuo Island

  7. 普陀山全新世陆相地层的发现及其意义

    Discovery of recent terrigenous deposit in Putuo Island and its significance

  8. 普陀山上看到虔诚的信徒集体朝拜。

    The faithful believers are never seen before at Putuo Mount .

  9. 普陀山生命周期演化机制与旅游结构

    Evolution Mechanism of Resort Life Cycle and Tourism Structure in Putuoshan Mountain

  10. 旁白:普陀山位于舟山群岛的东部。

    Putuo Mountain lies to the east of Zhoushan Archipelago .

  11. 普陀山僧侣甲状腺健康状况流行病学调查

    Thyroid health of Buddhist monks and nuns in Putuo Mountain of China

  12. 普陀山风景区林相改造思路探索

    About Transformation of Forest at Scenic Area of Putuo Mountain

  13. 舟山旅游区域开发及普陀山环境保护

    On Regional Development of Zhoushan Islands and Environment protection of Mt. Putuo

  14. 浙江普陀山岛晚更新世的两种木化石

    Two species of late Pleistocene wood fossils from Putuoshan island , zhejiang Province

  15. 普陀山送子观音与儒家孝德思想的对话

    Connection between Guanyin and Confucian Theory of Filial Duty

  16. 普陀山的名胜古迹很多。东印度多山地区的野牛。

    Wild ox of mountainous areas of eastern India .

  17. 普陀山古树名木资源评价与保护对策

    Resource Evaluation and Protection Countermeasure of Ancient and Famous Trees in Putuo Mountain

  18. 直至今日,普陀山已是最有名的祭拜观音的圣地。

    Today , Mount Putuo is the largest oblation place for Kwan-yin Bodhisattva .

  19. 普陀山佛教文化

    A Study of Buddhist Culture of Putuo Mountain

  20. 论佛寺园林空间构成&以普陀山普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺三大寺为例

    Analysis on Space Construction at Gardens of Temples

  21. 普陀山并非四大佛教名山中第一个考虑上市的。

    It wouldn 't be the first of the four mountains to be listed .

  22. 我想喝普陀山啤酒?

    I 'd like to drink Putuoshan beer ?

  23. 普陀山国内旅游者特征及行为调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the characteristics and behavior of domestic tourist to Putuoshan mountain

  24. 舟山本岛至普陀山过海管道的敷设

    Laying of the submarine pipeline from the main island of Zhoushan archipelago to Putuo Hill

  25. 浙江普陀山黑云母钾长花岗岩及其岩石包体的地球化学与岩浆混合作用

    Geochemistry and magmatic mixing of the Putuoshan biotite moyites and their enclaves , Zhejiang Province

  26. 普陀山观音道场之形成与观音文化东传

    Formation of Guanyin Taoist Rites in Mount Putuo and Guanyin Culture Spreading to the East

  27. 普陀山高丽道头遗址重现

    The Reappearance of the Korean Wharf Site in Mount Putuo On the Paradox of Tao

  28. 刚才他们在辩论是到普陀山去还是到雁荡山去。

    They were debating whether to go to the Mount Putuo or the Mount Yandang just now .

  29. 其次通过对普陀山旅游业发展中的存在问题进行了归类分析,同时进行了对策研究。

    Next , through the classification of the problems in tourism economic development and indicate the study countermeasures .

  30. 一九九三年于普陀山普济寺皈依上悟下道大和尚。

    In1993 , he took Refuges again under the venerable Master Wudao in Puji Temple in Mount Putuo .