
  • 网络St. Louis;Saint Louis;St.Louis;San Luis;Sao Luis
  1. Cabrera女士对当地报纸说,她确实需要提升自己的英语能力,但以她目前的水平,足以胜任圣路易斯市议员工作。因为在这座边境城市,西班牙语和英语一样常用。

    Ms Cabrera told the local newspaper that she needs to improve her command of English but said her language skills are adequate for serving the border city of San Luis , where Spanish is used as often as English .

  2. 而这正是在圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversityinStLouis)工作的马修?埃利斯(MatthewEllis)及其同事们为罹患乳腺癌的妇女们所作的工作。

    And this is just what Matthew Ellis and his colleagues at Washington University in St Louis have done for women suffering from breast cancer .

  3. 戴安魏(dianeweiliang)在这方面小有成就,但最多产的此类作家要数上海出生,现在定居于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市的裘小龙。

    Diane Wei Liang has enjoyed success in this field , but the most prolific contributor is Shanghai-born Qiu Xiaolong , who now lives in St Louis , Missouri .

  4. 由圣路易斯市的华盛顿大学的LFC领导的小组在老鼠身上发现的。

    A team led by LFC at Washington university 's school medicine in St Louis ,( Missouri ) made discovery in mice .

  5. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道,8月31日,位于密苏里州圣路易斯市的希尔斯伯勒高中(HillsboroHighSchool)的近200名高中生走出校门,抵制跨性别青少年莱拉·佩里(LilaPerry)使用女厕所和女更衣室。

    On August 31 , almost 200 high school students walked out of class in Hillsboro High School outside of St. Louis , Missouri to protest the use of the girls ' restrooms and locker room by Lila Perry , a transgender teen , according to the New York Times .

  6. 这场重要的探险开始于密苏里州圣路易斯市。

    This important expedition began in St. Louis , Missouri .

  7. 在密苏里州圣路易斯市,有一家大型公司。

    There was a big company located in St. Louis , Missouri .

  8. 敌人图谋夺取这个岛。密苏里州的圣路易斯市凉爽,有风。

    The enemy have designs upon this island . In St. Louis , Missouri , it 's cool and windy .

  9. 自他们步入位于密苏里州圣路易斯市华盛顿大学内一个“市政厅”的讲坛开始。

    For90 heated minutes as they paced across a platform in a " town hall " forum at Washington University in St.

  10. 这个四口之家来自密苏里州圣路易斯市,不过他们在自己的网页声称要走遍全美国。

    The family comes from St Louis , Missouri , but on their webpage say they plan to travel around the US .

  11. 诺伟司国际有限公司,畜牧业的全球领导者,是一家总部设在密苏里州圣路易斯市的私营企业。

    Novus International , Inc. , a global leader in the animal agriculture industry , is a privately held corporation headquartered in St.

  12. 今天傍晚将有一阵凉风。密苏里州的圣路易斯市凉爽,有风。

    It is said there 's a cool breeze this evening . In St. Louis , Missouri , it 's cool and windy .

  13. 圣路易斯市警察局长说,警员在追逐18岁的年轻男子之时,男子有向警察开火,然而其他人说年轻男子没有武器。

    The city 's police chief says the 18-year-old fired at the officer during a chase while others say the young man was not armed .

  14. 由图片可见,1943年8月1日,圣路易斯市的市长威廉贝克和其他的政要官员一起搭乘飞机。

    William Becker , Mayor of St Louis , can be seen above buckling in for a flight with fellow dignitaries on 1st August , 1943 .

  15. 密苏里州的圣路易斯市凉爽,有风。近现代社会转型与苏州的城市设计

    In St. Louis , Missouri , it 's cool and windy . The Society Make the Transition with the Urban Design of Soochow in Modern Times

  16. 不久前的一天,密苏里州圣路易斯市一家大公司的员工午休回到公司时,看见公司前门上贴着一则告示,

    One day not too long ago the employees of a large company in St.Louis , Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door .

  17. 举个例子,在圣路易斯市,当你坐在城市街道上时是不允许喝啤酒的,但是在芝加哥,不管是在这个城市的哪个角落,只要你站着喝酒警察就可以逮捕你。

    For example , in St Louis you cant drink beer while sitting on a city street , but in Chicago you can be arrested for drinking standing up anywhere in the city .

  18. 在东圣路易斯市,有这样一个年轻女孩,她品学兼优,成绩出色,却因为没有钱,无法完成学业,与大学无缘,而像她这样的孩子还有千千万万,我们应该为他们做点什么。

    More to do for the young woman in East St. Louis , and thousands more like her , who has the grades , has the drive , has the will , but doesn 't have the money to go to college .

  19. 在美国有几个奇怪和独特的麦当劳店,包括在俄亥俄州独立区的一个殖民主题餐厅,密苏里州的圣路易斯市的密西西比河上的一个水上船餐厅,和时代广场中央的有着一个闪亮的金色拱门的餐厅。

    There are several strange and unique McDonalds " in the United States , including a colonial-themed locale in Independence , Ohio ; a river boat restaurant on the Mississippi River in St. Louis , Missouri ; and a brightly lit Golden Arches in the middle of Times Square .

  20. 可是,一些中等规模的城市比如圣路易斯、罗契斯特市、佛罗里达州的圣彼得斯堡市纷纷涌现出来,成为区域性的热门旅游城市。

    However , medium-size cities like St. Louis , Rochester and , in Florida , St. Petersburg are emerging as regional destinations .