
  • 网络Madonna
  1. 他最伟大的作品是《雅典学院》和《西斯廷圣母像》。

    His greatest works are the School of Athens and the Sistine Madonna .

  2. 里面圣母像前燃着一盏灯;

    A lamp burned there before the picture of the Madonna .

  3. 这尊塑像是尊圣母像;描绘的是耶稣诞生时的圣母玛丽亚。

    This statue is an image of Mary at Jesus'birth .

  4. 圣母像基督教艺术中圣母玛利亚的画像。

    Madonna In Christian art , a depiction of the Virgin Mary .

  5. 她从修道院来时带着一个圣母像,脖子上挂着十字架。

    She arrived with a statue of the Virgin Mary and a crucifix around her neck from a convent .

  6. 仔细检查才弄清他们是在用照亮圣母像的电灯插座给手机充电。

    Closer examination revealed the visitors were using the electricity socket used to light up the Madonna to charge their mobile phone .

  7. 在主教的要求下,子弹后来放置在法蒂玛圣母像的王冠上。

    At the behest of the bishop , the bullet was later set in the crown of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima .

  8. 除圣母像两侧的小像是后来增补的外,其余都是宋初原塑。

    Except the small ones on each side of the goddess , which were added later , the sculptures were all created in the song dynasty .

  9. 现代的意大利人仍然特别喜欢这样的圣徒,更不用说哭泣的《圣母像》、长头发的耶稣受难像和会说话的圣物了。

    Modern Italians still have a weakness for such saints , not to mention weeping statues of the Madonna , crucifixes that sprout hair , and relics that talk .

  10. 一个多月以来,这对年轻夫妇定期来到这间教堂,全神贯注地在圣母像前坐上一个小时,然后默默地离开。

    The young couple were regular visitors to the Milan church for more than a month and spent an hour sitting attentively in front of the Madonna before silently departing .

  11. 从明代西方传教士利玛窦携带圣母像进入中国算起,中国引入油画已有四百余年的历史。

    From the Ming Dynasty , the Western missionary Matteo Ricci entered China to carry the Madonna date , China has been the introduction of four hundred years of history painting .

  12. 除去街头画在墙上的圣母像前挂着那唯一的一小盏灯外,别的光一点看不到。

    There were no lamps in the street , excepting a very small one , which hung at one end of the street , before a picture of the Virgin , which had been painted on the wall .

  13. 天主教敬礼玛利亚,并不是把她当成女神,而中国乡土社会的教徒则认为圣母像女神一样,赋予圣母玛利亚独立的神性和无穷的神力。

    Catholic salute Maria , and not take her as a goddess , and in the rural society of China , they think the Christians virgin like a goddess , giving the virgin Mary independent divine and infinite power of Chicago .

  14. 所以圣母哀子像,玛利亚抱着耶稣残破的身体的景象反复地出现,在这里Oedipa占据了这个位置。

    So , the Pieta , the image of Mary with Jesus'body broken from the cross on her lap , is repeated , and here Oedipa comes to inhabit that position .

  15. 教堂里有一幅圣母玛丽亚像。

    Virgin Mary in the church .

  16. 《圣母怜子像》是他那些重要作品中最精细最完美的一件,值得全心投入地去细致观察。

    The Pieta is the most detailed and finished of his important carvings , a work that repays the closest inspection .

  17. 这就是年轻的米开朗基罗在1499年夏末走近一块新采的卡拉拉大理石准备开始雕刻第一座《圣母怜子像》时面对的一系列难题。

    In no particular order of difficulty , here is a list of the complications facing the young Michelangelo as he approached a block of newly quarried Carrara marble in the late summer of l499 , and prepared to embark upon the carving of his first pieta .