
xiāng zhú
  • joss sticks and candles
香烛 [xiāng zhú]
  • [joss sticks and candles] 祭祀用的香和蜡烛

香烛[xiāng zhú]
  1. 我有个同事,前年收到了12个香烛。

    A colleague got 12 candles the year before last .

  2. 农民们祈祷,使牺牲和香烛到天堂的解脱。

    The farmers prayed , giving sacrifices and burning incense to Heaven for deliverance .

  3. 三个人谈得十分投机。第二天三个人来到一个桃园,点燃香烛,拜告天地,结为兄弟。

    The next day the three men swore to be brothers in a peach garden .

  4. 整整一夜,香案上的香烛都没有烧完。

    The candles on the burner table did not burn out after a whole night .

  5. 1995年,她说服妹妹在杭州开设了一家供应艺术香烛的工厂。

    In 1995 she persuaded her sister to open a factory in Hangzhou to supply them .

  6. 香烛与壁炉&从火的使用看中西传统住宅的不同

    Incense Burner and Fireplace & Differences of Traditional House between China and the West on the Fire Use

  7. 登高、鲜花、香烛、坟墓,清明是死人的佳节。

    Hiking , flowers , incense and graveyards ," Ching Ming " Is a celebration of the dead .

  8. 每年过年的三十晚上,她定要走到水边,点起香烛纸钱,诚心诚意表示她的感谢。

    Every New Year 's Eve she would go to its bank , and in heartfelt gratitude burn incense and paper money there .

  9. 夜空衬托出树木的轮廓.整整一夜,香案上的香烛都没有烧完。

    The silhouettes of the trees against the evening sky The candles on the burner table did not burn out after a whole night .

  10. 她请国内的朋友们帮忙,寻找可能在美国有广阔市场的中国产品,并选定了艺术香烛。

    She asked her friends in China to help her find Chinese products that might sell well in America , and settled on arty scented candles .

  11. 旧时嘉善等地于除夕夜,在猪舍置方凳摆香烛致祭,名“斋猪栏”;

    Old Jiashan and other places in the New Year 's Eve , in the pig home put incense square stool memorial service , the name " Vegetarian pigsty ";

  12. 稍微打扫坟墓之后,人们开始将食物、鲜花和已故之人喜欢的供祭在墓前,然后就在墓碑前点燃香烛、焚化纸钱和鞠躬。

    After slightly sweeping the tombs , people offer food , flowers and favorites of the dead , then burn incense and paper money and bow before the memorial tablet .

  13. 她还要陪伴扫墓者到亲友的墓前,帮忙向坟头洒水和燃点香烛。

    For10 years , she has been selling items such as incense and candles at a cemetery there , accompanying visitors to their deceased relatives'graves , sprinkling water on the tombs and burning incense .

  14. 机。隔日,三人来到一个桃园,点燃香烛,拜告天地,结为兄弟。按年龄刘备为大哥,关羽为二哥,张飞为三弟。

    During an amiable conversation the three found that they shared a common ambition and the next day in a peach garden they swore brotherhood to heaven and earth before lit candles and joss sticks , Liu Bei the eldest , Guan Yu the second-oldest and Zhang Fei the youngest .