
  • 网络protection fee;Protection money;Protection Racket;pizzo
  1. 一位拒交保护费的商人被打了9枪。

    A businessman who refused to pay protection money was shot nine times .

  2. 他被指控对店主敲诈勒索保护费

    He 's been charged with extorting protection money from the shopkeepers .

  3. 老的hughes拒绝给你保护费。

    Senior Hughes refuses to pay you protection .

  4. 这帮歹徒在各大城市里干着勒索保护费的勾当。

    The gang were running protection rackets in all the big cities .

  5. 他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费。

    He was paying out half his profits as protection .

  6. 我们要交保护费,要不就麻烦了。

    We must all pay , or there is trouble .

  7. 这周的保护费有点问题。

    There was a problem in this week 's payment .

  8. 你要一直交保护费给他们吗?

    So you 'll keep bribing them with protection fees ?

  9. 交了保护费的人保驾护航

    personal convoy protection to those who pay for it .

  10. 很显然,该赌场没有缴纳“保护费”。

    The casino had apparently not paid protection money .

  11. 当地商家迫于威胁缴纳了保护费。

    Local businesses were scared into paying protection money .

  12. 就因为我弟弟不用午饭钱交他的保护费。

    Just because Sean wouldn 't give him his lunch money for protection .

  13. “保护费”可不是随便叫的卡尔

    They call it " Protection money " for a reason , Carl .

  14. 他们称该公司是一宗保护费敲诈的受害者。

    They claimed that the business was the victim of a protection racket .

  15. 由一个民族付给另一个民族的保护费。

    Payment by one nation for protection by another .

  16. 生意很好而且我不用付一分钱保护费。

    Business is good and I don 't pay one penny for protection .

  17. 对于石油公司和航运公司来说,海盗按月索取保护费已经司空见惯。

    Demands of monthly protection payments are becoming increasingly common for oil and shipping companies .

  18. 向欠他们保护费的人收钱

    who owes the mob protection money .

  19. 每个人都要交保护费。

    Everyone has to pay protection money .

  20. 寡头们现在叫做“商业领袖”,但仍然需要缴纳政治保护费。

    Business leaders , as oligarchs are now called , still pay for political protection .

  21. 前些年,名为三合会的犯罪组织还以向电影工作者收取保护费而出名。

    In years past , crime organizations called triads were known to approach movie crews for protection money .

  22. 人们宁可付给歹徒大笔保护费也不愿让毕生心血毁于一旦。

    People would pay large sums of money to gangsters for protection before having their life work destroyed .

  23. 且洪水保险基金的主要来源为国家补偿费、保险费与防洪保护费三部分。

    The fund of flood insurance includes allowance fee of government and premium and protection fee of flood control .

  24. 这个地区有组织的匪徒向那些吓得不敢抗拒的本地商人勒索保护费。

    Organized gangs in the area extort protection money from local business people who are too frightened to refuse .

  25. 实质上他们会给我们保护费以便他们能与世界各地做生意。

    In essence , they give us protection money so they can trade with the rest of the world .

  26. 我几十年如一日,给你提个醒:我生日到了该交保护费了!

    I have a few decades , to give you publicity department : my birthday to the pay protection it !

  27. 加快房地产税立法并适时推进改革,推动环境保护费改税。

    Also , accelerate property-tax legislation and related reform at an appropriate time . Change the current environmental-protection fee into an environment tax .

  28. 该地区势力最大的武装组织宣布要发动新的袭击,以证明该组织没有从政府那里得到保护费。

    The most prominent armed group in the region has vowed new attacks to prove it did not receive protection money from the government .

  29. 现在还无法理解它们为什么会这么做,但有理论研究认为蜜露是一种“保护费”。

    It is unknown why they merrily do this , but it has been theorized that the honeydew is a sort of " protection money . "

  30. 在今天的播客中,中央银行宣布了向用户提供最高赔偿50万元的银行破产保护费草案。

    In today 's podcast , the central bank announces a draft plan to give people 500000 yuan worth of protection in case a bank fails .