
xiānɡ ɡǎnɡ zhōnɡ shěn fǎ yuàn
  • Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal
  1. 香港终审法院现时的海外法官团,可算是精英云集。

    The current pool of overseas judges is quite an impressive line-up .

  2. 香港终审法院同意了律师提出的这一观点,并免除了严穗陵的罪责。

    Hong Kong 's Court of Final Appeal agreed and cleared her record .

  3. 香港终审法院做出了一项史无前例的裁决,允许一名变性女子嫁给她的男友。

    Hong Kong 's top court handed down a groundbreaking ruling to allow a transgender woman to marry her boyfriend .

  4. 香港终审法院以4票赞成、1票反对做出这项裁决。法院说有必要保护跨性别人士的权利。

    In its 4-1 ruling , the court said it was necessary to protect the rights of transgender people . '

  5. 香港终审法院宣布撤消对简南茜的定罪,原因是在2005年初审中,陪审团没有得到充分的引导。

    The Court of Final Appeal said it decided to quash the conviction of Ms Kissel , 45 , because the jury in the original 2005 trial did not receive complete directions .

  6. 周一,香港终审法院说,变性不该成为阻止一个人结婚的理由。所谓变性是指,一个人的生理特征和性特征可能与其性别认同不一致。

    On Monday , the city 's court of final appeal said that being transgender someone whose physical and sexual characteristics may not match their gender identity shouldn 't stop someone from getting wed .

  7. 除了刘德华外,同样会在当天受此殊荣的还有香港终审法院非常任法官陈兆恺,他将获颁荣誉法学博士学位。

    Sharing the limelight on that day will be Mr Justice Patrick Chan Siu-oi , a non-permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal , who will be conferred a doctor of laws , honoris causa .

  8. 周一,香港终审法院说,变性不该成为阻止一个人结婚的理由。所谓“变性”是指,一个人的生理特征和性特征可能与其性别认同不一致。

    On Monday , the city 's court of final appeal said that being transgender -- someone whose physical and sexual characteristics may not match their gender identity -- shouldn 't stop someone from getting wed .

  9. 这些富经验的海外法官加入香港的终审法院,有助与世界上其他采用普通法的地区保持联系。

    The involvement of these experienced overseas judges in the Court of Final Appeal helps Hong Kong to maintain its links with the rest of the common law world .

  10. 香港设有自己的终审法院,它是根据香港习惯法作出裁决的最终裁决机关。

    We have our own Court of Final Appeal , which is the ultimate arbiter of the common law in Hong Kong .

  11. 香港特别行政区终审法院和高等法院的首席法官,应由在外国无居留权的香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国居民担任。

    The Chief justice of the Court of Final Appeal and the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Region .

  12. 平思和威尔姆斯达在2003年分别担任行政总裁和首席执行官。行政长官就任时应向香港特别行政区终审法院首席法官申报财产,记录在案。

    The Chief Executive , on assuming office , shall declare his or her assets to the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region . This declaration shall be put on record .

  13. 原在香港实行的司法体制,除因设立香港特别行政区终审法院而产生变化外,予以保留。

    The judicial system previously practised in Hong Kong shall be maintained except for those changes consequent upon the establishment of the court of final appeal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region .