
  • 网络Grenoble
  1. 卡迪夫大学商学院(CardiffBusinessSchool)高级讲师乔攠污霍尼(JoeO’Mahoney)表示,格勒诺布尔高等商学院(GrenobleGraduateSchoolofBusiness)和卡迪夫大学商学院等几所欧洲商学院现在都提供咨询业课程模块。

    Joe O'Mahoney , senior lecturer at Cardiff Business School says several European schools , such as Grenoble and Cardiff , now run consulting modules .

  2. 今年,又有两所法国学校进入五强:它们分别是地方高校格勒诺布尔管理学院和里昂管理学院(emlyon)。

    Two more French schools moved into the top five this year : local rivals , Grenoble and EM Lyon .

  3. 格勒诺布尔高等商学院(GrenobleGraduateSchoolofBusiness)国际商务硕士课程负责人尼克•桑德斯(NickSanders)表示,对一切与中国相关的东西表现出热情的绝不限于企业家。

    Enthusiasm for all things Chinese spreads well beyond entrepreneurs , says Nick Sanders , director of the Masters in International Business at Grenoble Graduate School of Business .

  4. 法国的格勒诺布尔商学院(GrenobleBusinessSchool)排名第70名,土耳其的萨班哲大学管理商学院(SabanciUniversitySchoolofManagement)排名第99名,巴西的Coppead排名第100名。

    These are led by Cambridge Judge Business School at 36th . France 's Grenoble Business School is ranked 70th , Turkey 's Sabanci University School of Management is at99th , and Brazil 's Coppead is at 100th .

  5. 按照法国格勒诺布尔商学院(GrenobleGraduateSchoolofBusiness)院长兼教导主任圣地亚哥.加西亚(SantiagoGarcia)的说法,比起就读其他硕士课程的学生,MBA学生在选择就学地点时更有可能考虑在留学国家工作的问题。

    According to Santiago Garcia , dean and director of Grenoble Graduate School of Business , MBA students are more likely to choose where to study with an eye to working in that country than those taking masters courses .

  6. 这些连屏幕都没有的奇怪装置是ShortÉdition公司的联合创始人和负责人克里斯托夫·西比约德(ChristopheSibieude)和格勒诺布尔市长埃里克·皮奥勒(ÉricPiolle)构想出来的。

    The strange , screen-less contraptions are the brainchild of Christophe Sibieude ( the co-founder and head of Short É dition ) and Grenoble 's mayor , É ric Piolle .

  7. 在法国阿尔卑斯山区的首府城市格勒诺布尔市(Grenoble),一家名为ShortEdition的出版业初创公司在该市人流最密集的几处公共场所安置了8台免费短篇小说自动售货机。

    In Grenoble , France , a city known as the capital of the French Alps , a publishing start-up called Short É dition has installed eight free story-dispensing vending machines in some of its most popular public spaces .

  8. 在法国格勒诺布尔的欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL),科学家们可直视这样的一个交接。

    Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory ( EMBL ) in Grenoble , France , have visualised one such hand-over .

  9. 城里的人都说他是格勒诺布尔那位的堂兄弟。

    That is the cousin of the man of Grenoble .

  10. 格勒诺布尔会热情地为他大开城门的,全里昂的人也都会赶快出来欢迎的。

    Grenoble will open her gates to him with enthusiasm & all Lyons will hasten to welcome him .

  11. “格勒诺布尔和里昂都是效忠王室的城市,人民会起来反对他,使那儿变成一道插翅难飞的关卡。”

    " Grenoble and Lyons are faithful cities , and will oppose to him an impassable barrier . "

  12. 我想过去那里,虽然不一定是格勒诺布尔,但是法国或者意大利。

    I was thinking of going over , though not necessarily to grenoble , but to France or italy .

  13. 法国小说家、《红与黑》的作者司汤达诞生于格勒诺布尔。

    1783 Stendhal , French novelist , author of The Red And The Black , was born at Grenoble .

  14. 这家公司重金聘请了总部位于法国格勒诺布尔市的运动感应技术公司Movea来研发这个系统。

    To develop the system , it hired Movea , a leader in motion sensing technology headquartered in Grenoble .

  15. 目前舒马赫的情况很稳定,因此他不再需要格勒诺布尔的专家的帮助。

    Schumacher 's condition was considered stable enough so that he no longer needs the help of specialists in Grenoble .

  16. 他本来倾向去瑞士洛桑或法国格勒诺布尔的大学,因为在那里可以滑雪,但这两个地方的学校都没有回复他的申请。

    He would have preferred Lausanne or Grenoble because of the potential for skiing but neither replied to his application .

  17. 我们在法国格勒诺布尔也有研究中心,研究重点是语言学和机器学习。

    Then we have research center in Grenoble , France where the focus is all on linguistics , machine learning .

  18. 格勒诺布尔医院官员表示,舒马赫被送来医院时头部严重受伤,处于昏迷状态,他们已经为他进行了脑部手术。

    Hospital officials in Grenoble say Schumacher arrived in a coma after sustaining a serious head trauma and underwent a brain surgery .

  19. 1968年在法国格勒诺布尔奥运会赛场上,佩姬·弗莱明赢得女子单人滑金牌,迪姆·伍德赢得男子单人滑银牌。

    In1968 , Peggy Fleming won the Olympic women 's gold medal and fellow-American Tim Wood won the men 's silver in Grenoble , France .

  20. 舒马赫病情依然相当严重,目前在法国格勒诺布尔的一家医院接受治疗,由妻子和两位孩子轮流看护。

    Schumacher remains in critical condition at a hospital in Grenoble , France , where his wife and two children are holding a constant vigil .

  21. 格勒诺布尔商学院的教授说,现实案例突出了一家公司内部不同职能领域之间的相互作用,促使学生采取一种跨领域的视角。

    GGSB professors say that live cases highlight the interaction between different functional areas of a company and oblige students to take a multidisciplinary perspective .

  22. 今年二月,科学家们用当前最先进的工具&位于法国格勒诺布尔欧洲同步辐射中心的同步加速器对其进行分析。

    This February , they were analyzed by one of the highest-tech tools available , the synchrotron at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble , France .

  23. 简要介绍了法国唯一的有造纸学科的国立格勒诺布尔理工大学,详细介绍了该大学造纸与印刷学院的教学情况;

    In this paper , the Grenoble University of Science and Technology and its Unique College of Paper making and Printing Engineering in France were introduced in detail .

  24. 代表团在访问期间,先后参观了法国格勒诺布尔的多曼纳大学地球内部物理和构造物理实验研究室、斯特拉斯堡的地球物理研究所;

    During the visit , the delegation visted the Laboratory of Earth Interior Physics and Tectonophysics of Domaine University in Grenoble , Institute of Geophysics in Strasbourg , France ;

  25. 吉祥物首次出现于1968年法国格勒诺布尔第10届冬季奥运会,而夏季奥运会吉祥物首次出现在1972年的慕尼黑奥运会上。

    Olympic mascot took its initial appearance at the10th Winter Olympic Games in France and the first t mascot for the summer Olympic Games was at the1972 Munich Olympic games .

  26. 舒马赫得到了两位滑雪巡逻员的照料,他们请求了直升机把舒马赫转移到附近的山谷小镇穆捷,随后他被转移到格勒诺布尔的一家大一点的医院。

    Schumacher was attended to by two ski patrollers who requested helicopter evacuation to the nearby valley town of Moutiers , before he was subsequently moved to a bigger facility at Grenoble .

  27. 两位设计者的作品在大赛上出尽了风头,接着又在欧洲各地巡回展览,包括格勒诺布尔、威尼斯、维也纳、林茨和布鲁塞尔。

    Their pallet house design stole the show and has since gone on to be displayed in many locations around Europe , including Grenoble , Venice , Vienna , Linz and Brussels .

  28. 前两个星期在格勒诺布尔发生两起凶残的袭击运钞车案件,一名保安被打死,两名受重伤。随后,代表8000名押车保安的工会发起了这这场罢工。

    Unions representing 8000 mobile guards called the strike after two brutal attacks on armoured vans in the last fortnight in Grenoble and Paris , which left one guard dead and two seriously wounded .