
  • 网络University of Granada;UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA
  1. 西班牙格拉纳达大学的一个研究小组发现,给小鼠注射褪黑激素通过帮助调节体内系统能够有助于对抗肥胖症和糖尿病。

    A team at the University of Granada in Spain discovered that injections of melatonin helped combat obesity and diabetes in rats by helping to regulate their systems .

  2. 今天,格拉纳达大学的研究成果转化办公室,正在推广在仪器,该仪器已受专利保护。

    Today , the Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigaci ó n ( OTRI ), from the University of Granada , promotes this device which is protected by patent .

  3. 据悉,格拉纳达大学法医系曾做过一些意义重大的DNA鉴定,包括对西班牙内战留下的秘密坟墓中的尸骨和哥伦布尸骨的鉴定。

    The university forensic team has previously worked on other high-profile identifications , including bodies from unmarked civil war graves , and the remains of Christopher Colombus .

  4. 高尔雅先后在西班牙久负盛名的格拉纳达大学翻译系和北京语言大学学习中文。

    She studied translation at a prestigious Spanish university , Universidad de Granada , before going on to study Chinese at the Beijing Language and Culture University .

  5. 在2007年,吉耶尔莫•冈萨雷斯先生被格拉纳达大学授予荣誉奖章,以表彰他对该大学创造和发展室内乐团做出的重要贡献。

    In2007 , the University of Granada awarded Guillermo Gonz á lez an honorary doctorate for his important contributions in the founding of the " Orquesta de C á mara " of this institution .

  6. 《匹诺曹》也许只是一个讲给孩子听的童话,不过,西班牙格拉纳达大学的科学家最近确实研究了所谓的“匹诺曹效应”,结果发现,我们在说谎时鼻子不会变大,而是会缩小一点。

    Pinocchio may be just a children 's fairy tale , but Spanish scientists at the University of Granada recently investigated the so-called ' Pinocchio effect " and found that our noses don 't grow when we tell a lie , but actually shrink a bit .