
  • 网络The Brothers Grimm;Grimm;Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
  1. 现在格林兄弟来到了你们中间。

    The brothers Grimm are with you now .

  2. 格林兄弟是不会怕你的。

    The brothers Grimm do not fear you .

  3. 格林兄弟,我们已经智穷才尽了。

    Brothers grimm , we 're at our wit 's end .

  4. 一位老妇人成为了格林兄弟最重要的说故事的人。

    An old woman became the Grimm brothers'most important storyteller .

  5. 德国的格林兄弟,雅各布和威廉,决定把民间传说写下来。

    The German brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm decided to write folktales .

  6. 格林兄弟把德国和其他一些地区的童话故事收集整理于1812年发表。

    The tales , originating from Germany and elsewhere , were published in 1812 .

  7. 格林兄弟是盗贼是骗子。

    These Grimms are thieves and liars .

  8. 以当代标准来看,格林兄弟的原版故事中充满性与暴力。

    By contemporary standards , the Grimms ' original stories are packed with violence and sex .

  9. 格林兄弟听过两种不同版本的小红帽。是由两个不太重要的贵族讲述的。

    The brothers Grimm were told two versions of the story by young women of the minor aristocracy .

  10. 马特·戴蒙将来到这座意大利小城,为他主演的影片《格林兄弟》做宣传。

    Damon will appear in the Italian city to promote The Brothers Grimm , in which he stars .

  11. 汉斯克里斯蒂安安徒生与格林兄弟一起被视为十九世纪浪漫小说的主要人物。

    Along with the Brothers Grimm , Hans Christian Andersen is recognized as a key figure in 19th-century romantic fiction .

  12. 幸亏有了像格林兄弟这样的人的努力,古老的民间故事如今仍在持续流传。

    Thanks to5 the efforts of people like the Grimm brothers , the folktales of old are alive and well today .

  13. 像格林兄弟那样的人通过把民间故事写下来并编成书促进其持续流传。

    People like the Grimm brothers helped keep folktales alive and well by writing them down and putting them into books .

  14. 女主人公们此后并没过上幸福的生活,而是以阴森恐怖的形象迎来了各自悲惨的结局,这倒更符合格林兄弟的故事风格。

    Instead of happily ever after the heroines have met their ends in a gruesome fashion far more fitting of the Brothers Grimm 。

  15. 1810年,也不知道格林兄弟是听了哪个德国老百姓讲述《白雪公主》的故事之后,率先记录下这个童话故事。

    In1810 , the Grimm Brothers first wrote down the story of Snow White , as told to them by some anonymous German folks .

  16. 读过格林兄弟童话故事(也包括作品《白雪公主》)的人都说,格林童话相当恐怖骇人听闻。

    As those who have read them can confirm , the stories recorded by the Brothers Grimm ( Snow White included ) are horrifying and grisly .

  17. 格林兄弟把它改成了适合中产阶级品味的,符合维多利亚家庭观的童话,成为了训诫儿童循规蹈矩的生动教材。

    The Brothers Grimm revised it as a fairytale conforming to the view of Victorian families and a middle-class audience , to teach the children to be obedient .

  18. 格林兄弟童话集是德国文化的重要组成部分,同时也是跨文化交流传播的组成部分。

    The collection of fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm is an important part of the German culture , which shall be transmitted as a part of an intercultural exchange .

  19. 观众将免费获得一个彩色的小册子,在其中,他们可以找到一个格林兄弟童话中文翻译的相关作家信息。

    The audience will receive a coloured brochure for free , in which they can find a translation of the fairy tale into Chinese and informations about the writers , the Brother Grimm .

  20. “灰姑娘型”童话故事因法国夏尔·贝洛尔的《灰姑娘》童话文本而传遍欧洲,因德国格林兄弟的《灰姑娘》童话文本而得名并传遍世界。

    " Cinderella style " fairy tales , based on the version by the French author Chal Berol spreads all over the Europe , and then all over the world by Germany Green Brothers Cinderella fairy tale version .

  21. 格林兄弟出身贫穷的中产阶级,他们想创造出一种新型的文学,来表现存在于农民或乡下人中间的智慧。

    The Grimms , a pair of scholars from an impoverished middle class background , took up with a literary idea , that wisdom lies with the people nearest to nature – the " peasants ", or " the folk " .

  22. 麦斯洛还表示,如果观众熟知原版故事并且懂得去欣赏这些改编电影,那些像《白雪公主与猎人》这样颠覆性的童话故事,以及像《格林兄弟》和《童话镇》这类的电视剧也将会取得更大的成功。

    Meslow added that , if the audience has enough knowledge of the original stories to appreciate how they 're being adapted , twisted fairy tales , such as Snow White & the Huntsman , and TV shows like Grimm and Once Upon a Time , will work better .

  23. 在亚卡拉监狱最知名而错综复杂的一次越狱尝试(1962年,6月11日)中,弗兰克莫里斯和昂格林兄弟挖洞钻出牢房,爬上监狱大楼的最顶层,凿断栏杆从通风道爬上了屋顶。

    The most famous and intricate attempt to escape from Alcatraz ( June 11 , 1962 ) saw Frank Morris , and the Anglin brothers burrow out of their cells , climb to the top of the cell block , cut through bars to make it to the roof via an air vent .

  24. 1775年5月10日,在尚普兰湖畔的提康德加罗城堡战役中,伊桑艾伦和他的格林山兄弟会以及本尼迪克特阿诺德让英军着实惊诧。

    Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys and Benedict Arnold surprised the British at Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain with an attack on May 10 , 1775 .

  25. 这是因为B计划包括与考辛斯、神枪手格林和水花兄弟的替补库克达成协议。

    That 's because Plan B included agreeing to deals with big man DeMarcus Cousins , sharpshooter Danny Green and Splash Brother understudy Quinn Cook .

  26. 《格林童话》是格林兄弟、语言学家雅可布格林和威廉格林收集的德国童话故事集,于1812年首次出版。

    Is a collection of German fairy tales first published in 1812 by German brothers and linguists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm .