
cí huì biǎo
  • vocabulary;glossary;word list;lexicon
  1. 我们英语课本的后面附有词汇表。

    There is a vocabulary at the back of our English book .

  2. 对于本系列文章而言,现实就是XML词汇表或者Web服务。

    For this series , the reality is an XML vocabulary or a Web service .

  3. 正文附有一个详细的词汇表。

    The text is supplemented by an adequate glossary .

  4. 另一种形式的词汇表标准是规范文件(authorityfile)。

    Another form of vocabulary standard is an authority file .

  5. 与此类似,谁有时间去设计一个XML词汇表呢?

    Likewise , who has the time to design an XML vocabulary ?

  6. 这些属性使得XML方言成为表示半结构化数据的主要词汇表。

    These attributes make XML dialects prime vocabularies for representing semi-structured data .

  7. 创建应用领域XML词汇表的方法与原则

    Methods and Principles for Creating XML Glossary In the Field of Application

  8. 引入名称空间是为了管理XML词汇表,避免标签同名。

    Namespaces were introduced to manage XML vocabularies and to prevent tag synonyms .

  9. XML不是一个孤岛,很多词汇表需要包含二进制内容。

    XML is no island , and many vocabularies need to include binary content .

  10. 粗略的XML在句法上是正确的,但可能没有使用正确的词汇表。

    The rough XML is syntactically correct , but may not use the proper vocabulary .

  11. 基于UML的远程教育XML词汇表创建

    Designing XML Vocabulary of Remote Education based on UML

  12. 现在有那么多XML词汇表,以致于很难决定支持哪一个。

    There are so many XML vocabularies that it 's hard to decide which to support .

  13. XML可以解决的绝大多数业务和通信问题都需要组合几个XML词汇表。

    Most business and communications problems that XML can solve require a combination of several XML vocabularies .

  14. XML词汇表中的任何变化都需要团队成员检查成千上万行代码。

    Any change in the XML vocabulary required that team members check thousands of lines of code .

  15. 如果您愿意,可以将术语XML词汇表读作标记与属性集。

    You may read tag and attribute sets in place of the term XML vocabularies if you wish .

  16. 现在已经讨论了XML词汇表,还需要考察一下应用程序。

    Now that I 've covered the XML vocabulary , it 's time to look at the application .

  17. XML名称空间允许XML文档将来自不同词汇表的元素和属性混合在一起,而不会产生歧义和处理上的冲突。

    XML namespaces allow XML documents to incorporate elements and attributes from different vocabularies without ambiguity and processing conflicts .

  18. 它们遵循XML的基本设计原则之一,因此是XML文档,而且使用专门名称空间的词汇表。

    Following one of the basic design principles of XML , these are XML documents that use specially-namespaced vocabularies .

  19. 具体到XML而言,系统由按照特定词汇表编码的文档组成。

    In the specific case of XML , the system consists of documents encoded according to a specific vocabulary .

  20. 当她单击OK时,新消息将自动添加到词汇表。

    When she clicks OK , the new message is automatically added to the vocabulary .

  21. API将词汇表内容公开为资源。

    The API exposes glossary content as resources .

  22. BusinessGlossaryRESTAPI允许客户机应用程序访问和创建业务词汇表内容。

    The Business Glossary REST API allows client applications to access and author business glossary content .

  23. DictionaryLookup操作符为词汇表已有单词查找以下拼写

    The Dictionary Lookup operator finds the following spelling for in-vocabulary words

  24. 如果XML词汇表是对象模型的直接映射,那么它不可能很稳定。

    If the XML vocabulary is a direct mapping of the object model , it won 't be very stable .

  25. 在XML名称空间中,每种词汇表被称为一个名称空间,有专门的语法表示词汇表标记。

    In XML namespaces each vocabulary is called a namespace and there is a special syntax for expressing vocabulary markers .

  26. 同样,还开发了数千个词汇表(或XMLSchema),甚至还开发了更多的应用程序。

    Likewise , thousands of vocabularies ( or XML Schemas ) and even more applications have been developed .

  27. 使用XMLNamespaces就可以为每种词汇表指定一个标记。

    Using XML Namespaces , you would assign to each a vocabulary marker .

  28. 开放式文档(OpenDocument)就是Zip打包的一个例子,它是OpenOffice.org背后的标准词汇表。

    Open Document , the standard vocabulary behind OpenOffice . org , is an example of Zip packaging .

  29. 在分析过程中,我定义了一个简单的数据结构(以及相应的XML词汇表)用于文件的描述。

    During the analysis , I defined a simple data structure ( and corresponding XML vocabulary ) for a file description .

  30. 虽然实体包含在XML标准中,但我记得只有少数XML词汇表用到了实体。

    Although entities are included in the XML standard , I can recall only a handful of XML vocabularies that use them .