
  • Perth;Perth,Australia;Zappos
  1. 珀斯是今年苏格兰国民党大会的召开地。

    Perth was the setting for the SNP 's conference this year

  2. 我会设法替他省下要从珀斯飞来的机票费用。

    I 'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth

  3. 现在我们在珀斯有三家分店。

    Today we have three branches , in Perth .

  4. 在我家搬到澳大利亚珀斯之前,我在那里度过了幼年生活。

    I spent the first few Years of my life there before my family moved to Perth Australia .

  5. 从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。

    It 's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth .

  6. 位于珀斯的Linear临床研究公司表示,他们将在未来两个月内招募志愿者。

    Linear Clinical Research in Perth says it will be recruiting volunteers within the next two months .

  7. 这点和悉尼很像,而且悉尼和珀斯都是EF国际英语学校的所在地。

    What 's more , Sydney and Perth are both homes to EF International Schools of English .

  8. 在完成试航后,澳大利亚“海盾号”舰船(OceanShield)携带美国海军的黑匣子信号探测器周一晚间从珀斯起航,前往搜索区域。

    An Australian vessel carrying a U.S. Navy black-box locator that can detect flight-recorder signals left for the search area on Monday night from Perth after completing trials .

  9. 约翰巴克斯特(johnbaxter)在香港经营着一家岗前考察企业,现在居住在澳大利亚西部城市珀斯。

    John Baxter , who runs a pre-employment screening business in Hong Kong , now lives in Perth , Western Australia .

  10. 总部驻珀斯的矿商BCIron上周表示,这一政府计划会令约800万澳元到1000万澳元的技术使用费推迟总计两年时间。

    BC Iron , a Perth-based miner , said last week that the government scheme would defer A $ 8m-A $ 10m in royalties for up to two years .

  11. 珀斯矿业公司AquilaResourcesLtd.将把其西澳大利亚一个58亿澳元铁矿石项目的投资削减到最低水平。

    Perth-based mining company Aquila Resources Ltd. is reducing spending on its A $ 5.8 billion iron-ore project in Western Australia to a minimum .

  12. 鲨鱼湾位于澳大利亚西海岸,距珀斯以北800千米,其海岸线呈w状,由石灰岩、白色的沙丘和峭壁组成,长约1500千米。

    Some 800 kilometers north of Perth on Australia 's west coast , Shark Bay 's W-shaped coastline of rocky limestone , white sand dunes and cliffs is 1500-kilometers long .

  13. 这对双胞胎来自澳大利亚的珀斯,现在正在跟一个叫BenByrne的机修师交往。珀斯在线报道。

    The pair , from Perth , Australia are currently dating mechanic Ben Byrne , Perth Now reports .

  14. 丹说,能证明他这间茶馆有鬼魂出没的证据绝不止这一条。丹的茶馆在英国珀斯,名叫CuriositeazVintage。

    And Dan claims it 's not the only evidence of ghostly goings-on at his Curiositeaz Vintage Tea Room in Perth .

  15. 位于澳大利亚珀斯的科廷科技大学的MartinDougiamas于2001年开发出第一个版本。

    Martin Dougiamas at Curtin University of Technology in Perth , Australia developed the first version in2001 .

  16. 相关报道专题:马航飞机失联澳大利亚联合机构协调中心(JointAgencyCoordinationCentre)称,澳空军一架飞机待命于澳洲西部城市珀斯,与此同时众多其它海军舰船及飞机将恢复为本国服务的职责。

    An Australian air force plane is on standby in the Western Australian city of Perth , while a number of other military vessels and aircraft will return to their national duties , Australia 's Joint Agency Coordination Centre said .

  17. 在州首府珀斯(Perth),房价已经开始下跌,而同期悉尼和墨尔本的房价却在上涨。

    House prices have started to fall in the state capital Perth , while they continue to grow in Sydney and Melbourne .

  18. 湖南华菱钢铁集团(HunanValinIron&Steel)和珀斯FortescueMetals本周三签署的协议,是中澳之间一系列拟议收购交易中最新的一宗。

    Wednesday 's deal between Hunan Valin Iron & Steel and Perth 's Fortescue Metals is the latest in a series of proposed tie-ups between China and Australia .

  19. DJCarmichael驻珀斯的资源分析师詹姆斯威尔逊(JamesWilson)表示,目前尚不清楚有多少力拓的铁矿石在现货市场上出售。

    James Wilson , Perth-based resources analyst at DJ Carmichael , said it was unclear how much of Rio 's iron ore was being sold on the spot market .

  20. 马来西亚总理纳吉布(NajibRazak)计划周三参观珀斯的一个空军基地以示支持。

    Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak plans to visit an air force base in Perth Wednesday in a show of support .

  21. 中国的两架伊尔-76(IlyushinIl-76)运输机周末飞抵珀斯,昨日加入国际侦察行动。

    Two Chinese Ilyushin IL-76 transport aircraft arrived in Perth at the weekend , joining the international reconnaissance operations yesterday .

  22. 比赛结束后,李娜回到中国南方城市江门。在江门,李娜每天都要在室外练习场训练好几个小时。训练结束后,她飞赴珀斯参加霍普曼杯(HopmanCup)比赛。

    Li then went to Jiangmen in the south of China , where she put in hours on outdoor practice courts , before jetting off to Perth for the Hopman Cup .

  23. 最新图片来自法国空客集团(AirbusGroup)下属的空客防务及航天公司(AirbusDefenceandSpace)。图片显示,这些物体的长度在1米至23米之间,散落在距澳大利亚城市珀斯西南约2500公里处一个大约400平方公里的海域。

    The latest images , provided by Airbus Defence and Space , a division of France 's Airbus Group , showed the objects - between 1m and 23m in length - in an area of about 400 sq km , approximately 2500km southwest of the Australian city of Perth .

  24. 对于总部位于珀斯(Perth)的FMG来说,这意味着要放弃在明年6月之前将皮尔巴拉地区的铁矿石年产量提高到15500万吨的计划。

    For Fortescue , based in Perth , that means backing off plans to raise the annual iron-ore output rate at its Pilbara operations to 155 million metric tons by next June .

  25. 这项研究的主要作者、现澳大利亚珀斯柯廷大学锻炼科学教授塞西莉·瑟格森-图玛尼(CecilieThogersen-Ntoumani)说,吸引男士参加散步项目比较难以实现。

    It can be difficult to attract men to join walking programs , said Cecilie Thogersen-Ntoumani , the study 's lead author and now a professor of exercise science at Curtin University in Perth , Australia .

  26. 澳大利亚的死亡病例是一名来自珀斯的老人。

    The victim in Australia was an elderly man from Perth .

  27. 这几乎是一个半墨尔本到珀斯的距离。

    Hmmm that is Melbourne to Perth and almost half way back .

  28. 珀斯警方确认昨天晚上确实有电话。

    Police in Perth say the call was made late last night .

  29. 形成亦在珀斯大都市区的部分压力水。

    Formation also carries pressure water in parts of the Perth metropolitan area .

  30. 这项规则是1998年国际泳联在澳大利亚的珀斯通过的。

    This rule was passed at the1998 FINA Congress in Perth , Australia .