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  • 网络Chan Yik Hei
  1. 陈易希是个发明天才,认识他的人都这么说。

    Chen Yik Hei is a genius for invention , and everybody knowninghim agrees with it .

  2. 陈易希告诉记者,他读小学三年级时就已发明了他的第一件科技产品。他曾参加过数不清的科技发明比赛。

    Chen Yik Hei told reporter that he invented his first product when he was in Class three , and attended numbers of inventive competitions for science and technology .

  3. 在香港,很多人都知道陈易希,他被当地媒体称为“星之子”,因为天上有一颗以他名字命名的小行星,这颗小行星使他的名气越来越大。

    In Hong Kong , many people know about Chen Yik Hei , he was called " Son of the star " by the local media , because there is a planet named after him , and became increasingly famous and popular .