
  • 网络Myolie Wu
  1. 其中一只黑猩猩突然变得焦躁不安,并咬伤了明星饲养员胡杏儿。

    One of the two chimps suddenly became restless and bit Myolie Wu , one of the star zookeepers .

  2. 此外,二人也因为一个女子言子规(胡杏儿)和野心勃勃南方高手闾丘傲(郭政鸿)的缘故,而无可避免地一战再战。

    For a girl named Yin Chi Kwai ( Myolie Wu Hang Yee ) and the ambitious martial arts master Lui Yau Ngo ( Kwok Jing Hung ), Ma and Sing get into fights again and again .

  3. 胡杏儿:我的粉丝在网上帮我数过,原来跟我合作最多的是马国明。

    Myolie : My fans counted this for me online , it is Kenneth Ma .

  4. 胡杏儿(右)出席无线台庆亮灯仪式时,旁为绯闻男友黄宗泽。

    When Myolie attended TVB Lighting Ceremony , rumoured boyfriend , Bosco Wong was by her side .