
  • 网络Huguenot
  1. 为争取宗教与公民自由,一个胡格诺派政党于1573年成立。

    A Huguenot political party was formed in 1573 to fight for religious and civil liberties .

  2. 是16世纪和17世纪胡格诺派教徒们的活动中心,是威廉征服者丧葬的地方。

    A Huguenot stronghold in the16th and17th centuries , it is the burial place of William the Conqueror .

  3. 1576年,强势的反胡格诺派组织神圣联盟成立。

    The powerful anti-Huguenot Holy League was formed in 1576 .

  4. 到了16世纪,作为清教徒的聚集地,诺曼底是天主教徒和胡格诺派教徒间的战场。

    In the16th century , Normandy , a Protestant stronghold , was the scene of much fighting between Catholics and Huguenots .

  5. 他的家族一直信奉法国胡格诺派教,据说,自从18世纪60年代就定居在南非。

    His family was of French Huguenot stock , and was said to have been in South Africa since the 1760s .

  6. 2008年美国总统大选期间,奥巴马被曝与时任副总统迪克切尼是远房表亲关系,胡格诺派是他们共同的祖辈。

    During the2008 election campaign , it was revealed that Mr Obama was related to Dick Cheney , then the vice-president , through a distant Huguenot forbear .

  7. 这也能解释,为何少数族裔移民能在经济上取得成功,比如英国的法国胡格诺派教徒、马来西亚的华裔、许多国家的犹太人、以及先后在非洲和英国发达起来的印度人。

    It explains the phenomenon of the economically successful immigrant minority : the Huguenots in Britain ; the Chinese in Malaysia ; Jews in many countries ; and Indians who prospered in Africa and then   the UK .