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  1. 四&六世纪内迁胡姓家族制度研究

    Study of Family System of the Hu Migrating Southward in 4-6 Centuries

  2. 如五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社。

    If five China Guangzhou Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society .

  3. 我们能够为正在努力的胡姓族人做些什么?

    Can we be surnamed what does the clansman do for diligent Hu ?

  4. 这位28岁的胡姓女子21岁有一个幸福的婚姻,在2007年生了一个健康的男孩。

    The 28-year-old woman surnamed Hu had a happy marriage at age 21 and gave birth to a healthy boy in 2007 .

  5. 据警方称,肇事司机是杭州师范大学体育系的一名20岁的胡姓年轻人。

    According to the police , the driver was a20-year-old man named Hu and he is presently a sports major at the Hangzhou Normal University .

  6. 但是当今,更多的胡姓人终其一生,无论贫富,都没有很大程度上感受到做为胡姓后人应有的骄傲。

    But nowadays , more Hu surnamed people throughout one 's life , no matter rich or poor , experience until Hu surnamed descendant due pride to a great extent .