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dū du
  • command;governor;military governor;governor of province
都督 [dū du]
  • (1) [governor of province;military governor]∶总兵。古代的军事长官。清初总兵一般都兼都督。同知、都督佥事官衔。民国初年各省也设有都督,兼管民政

  • 马副使 鸣騄? 徐任太守 民育及诸将 刘都督 肇基等皆死。-- 清. 全祖望《梅花岭记》

  • (2) [command]∶统率

  • 予除右丞相兼枢密使,都督诸路军马。--宋. 文天祥《指南录.后序》

都督[dū du]
  1. 辛亥革命后,他拒绝革命者让他做广东都督的邀请,仓皇出逃。

    After the Revolution , he refuses the invitation of being governor of GuangDong by the revolutionists and flees in panic .

  2. 晋武帝吸取曹魏短命灭亡的经验,分封诸王,给他们配备军队和任用官吏的权利,并让多位宗室成员执掌方镇,出任都督。

    Emperor Wu Wei absorb short-lived experience of destruction and feudal kings , to provide them with the right of the army and appointed officials and members of the royal clan in charge of party to a number of towns , as military governor .

  3. 东晋国家设置的都督诸州军事与将军职有密切的关系。

    Commander-in-chief that Eastern Jin set up has intimate relations with generals .

  4. 这一幅《都督夫人像》是其中比较有代表性的一件。

    This picture is a typical one among them .

  5. 当时国家设置的征讨都督是以大都督为称号的。

    Expeditionary Dudu set up by the country at that time was titled Dadudu .

  6. 试探魏晋都督将军之军事权限

    On the Power of the Officers of Military Jurisdictional Area of Wei and Jin Dynasty

  7. 袁世凯与各省都督府代表联合会联合国系统各组织出席会议的代表

    Representation of organization of the United Nations system at conferences and Meetings - the United Nations

  8. 为适应征讨作战的需要,国家还设置了受军事统帅统领的征讨都督。

    To meet the need of expeditionary fight , the country also set up the Expeditionary Dudu governed by the military commander .

  9. 由于设置了这些镇戍都督,便在蜀汉国家的南方、北方、东方构成了比较稳固的防卫体系。

    The arrangement set up a stable defensive system in the south , north , and east parts of the Kingdom of Shu Han .

  10. 卫、所都隶属于都司(相当于今省一级的军事领导机构),各都司又分别归中央的五军都督府(左、右、中、前、后等军都督府)统辖。

    Wei and Suo were the subsidiaries of DuSi , a provincial military leading organization nowadays , which was governed by central military organization .

  11. 南中于蜀汉有战略意义,作为统摄南中事务的军政长官&■降都督,是保障蜀汉在南中实现这个利益的。

    As the kind of ancient official who manipulated affairs in Nanzhong , Laixiang Minister is of military importance for Shuhan s benefits in Nanzhong .

  12. 同样,处于地方的各省都督、军阀等地方势力也提出了有利于自身生存的地方自治、联省自治等理念,并在各自的势力范围内实践。

    Similarly , the various local officers and warlords also proposed " local self-government in own survival ", " joint province autonomous " and so on .

  13. 《黑龙江省都督府稿》中发现有关东三省防疫事务总处的原始资料1912年成立的东三省防疫处是中国医学现代化进程的里程碑。

    Historical Materials from the Heilongjiang Provincial Military Government Archives on Plague Prevention in Northeast Liaoning , Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces The North Manchurian Plague Prevention Service founded in 1912 was the milestone in Chinese modern medicinal history .

  14. 非汉民聚居区,则设置羁縻府州,即继续维护当地本民族首领的行政管理制度,冠以唐朝都护、都督、州剌史的名号,允其以旧俗治理其部众。

    In the areas inhabited by other ethnic groups , the Tang rulers governed through the traditional chiefs and headmen , who were granted civil and military titles but allowed to manage local affairs according to their own customs .

  15. 晋元帝司马睿,司马懿曾孙,袭父封为琅蚜王,都督扬州江南诸军事,由下邳移镇建邺(后又改名建康,今江苏省南京市)。

    Sima Rui , the great grandson of Sima Yi , granted as the King of Langya from his father , was in charge of the defense in south of Yangzhou ( now Jiangsu province ) and moved his headquarters from Xiapi to Jianye ( later called Jiankang , now Nanjing City ) .

  16. 司马睿十分感激王导,任他为宰相,执掌朝政,让王导的堂兄王敦都督军事,握有重兵,控制军权,其他重要的官职,大多数也由王导家族担任。

    Out of gratitude , Wang Dao was assumed the position of the chief Minister in control of the court and Wang Dun , the half brother of Wang Dao , grasped the power of army forces and defense . Besides , other main posts in court were in the hands of Wang 's families as well .