
  • 网络the tudors;Tudor;Tudor dynasty;House of Tudor
  1. 英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。

    England flourished under the Tudors .

  2. 都铎王朝开始种植葡萄在加利福尼亚早在1900年的和继续运作其中一个最大的餐桌葡萄葡萄园在乡下。

    The Tudors began growing grapes in California early in the1900 's and continue to operate one of the largest table grape vineyards in the country .

  3. 都铎王朝(tudor)时期明白自己只能在断头台上做最后一场演讲的那些政治家就是这样的人物。

    This was true of the Tudor politicians who knew their last speech might be on the scaffold .

  4. 更巧合的是,影片中玛格丽·提利尔(MargaeryTyrell)的扮演者娜塔莉·多莫(NatalieDormer)同时也是《都铎王朝》中安妮·博林的扮演者。

    It 's more than coincidence that the actress playing Margaery Tyrell also portrays Anne Boleyn on the TV series The Tudors .

  5. 让明星阵容锦上添花的还有纯良的杰米·贝尔(出演《舞动人生》和《金刚》)以及古怪的塔姆辛·默钱特(出演凯拉·奈特莉版《傲慢与偏见》和“Showtime”电视台的《都铎王朝》)。

    Rounding out the cast is the guileless Jamie Bell ( Billy Elliot and King Kong ) , and the whimsical Tamzin Merchant ( Pride & Prejudice with Keira Knightley , and Showtime 's The Tudors ) .

  6. 论英国都铎王朝中央财政机构的过渡性特征

    On the Transitional Characters of the Tudor Central Finance Institution

  7. 英国都铎王朝前期的对外贸易和重商政策

    The British Foreign Trade and the Mercantilism in the Early Tudor Period

  8. 英国都铎王朝宗教改革研究英语中的定语后置

    The Study about the English Reformation under the Tudor

  9. 都铎王朝是英国历史上一个发生急遽变动的重要时期。

    England witnessed a drastic change in Tudor period .

  10. 都铎王朝的统治是惨无人道的尤其是对王室的女人而言

    Tudor royal politics were a bloody affair , especially for Tudor women .

  11. 战场上诞生的都铎王朝面临着来自各个方面的挑战。

    Born in the battle field , the Tudor court faced challenges from all directions .

  12. 不会任由都铎王朝几个官僚的摆布

    and were not about to be pushed around by a bunch of Tudor bureaucrats .

  13. 在此基础上进一步阐述了英国治安法官在都铎王朝时期的发展。

    Then the dissertation goes to the development of British magistrate in the period of Tudor .

  14. 有一个从都铎王朝到现代的肖像画技法历史展。

    There 's an exhibition on the history of portraiture from Tudor times to the present day .

  15. 都铎王朝统治时期,英国社会发生了一系列质的变化。

    In Tudor dynasty , the society of England took place a great deal of essential transformation .

  16. 在英国国王亨利七世的大力支持下,英国都铎王朝早期的航海探险活动揭开了历史的帷幕。

    Under the support of King Henry ⅶ, the voyage exploration in early Tudor raised a historical purdah .

  17. 同样的,他说,都铎王朝以他们的威尔士继承权为依将亚瑟王划为自己的人。

    Likewise , he says , the Tudor dynasty appropriated Arthur on the basis of their Welsh heritage .

  18. 都铎王朝时期,美洲被发现以及文艺复兴全面覆盖英格兰。

    It was also during the Tudor Monarchy that America was discovered and the Renaissance spread into England .

  19. 1603年,伊丽莎白女王,都铎王朝的最后一位后代去世,享年69岁。

    In 1603 , Queen Elizabeth , the last of the Tudors , died at the age of 69 .

  20. 枢密院是都铎王朝以来的英国近代史中的一个十分重要的机构。

    In the modern English history since the Tudor Britain , the Privy Council was an very important institution .

  21. 都铎王朝在英国历史上是一个充满曲折变化的时期,其中尤以议会的变革最引人注目。

    Tudor dynasty was a period full of twists and turns , especially in the most dramatic changes in parliament .

  22. 都铎王朝财政收入结构由普通收入和非常收入两部分组成。

    The financial income of English Tudor Dynasty consisted mainly of two parts : ordinary income and extra ordinary income .

  23. 本文论证英国都铎王朝时期阶级关系发生的新变化。

    The main ideas of the article are that , first , expounding the changes of classes in Tudor period ;

  24. 迎国都铎王朝时期,公猪看起来很像野猪,比现在圈养的红色猪更好看。

    The Tudor pig was nearer to the wild boar in looks than our very round pink pigs of today .

  25. 经历中世纪和都铎王朝时期之后,伦敦发展成了一个富庶的城市,住宅普遍采用木结构,沿河一带则建起了一座座宫殿。

    Through the medieval and Tudor periods London grew to become a wealthy city of timber-framed houses and palaces along the river .

  26. 虽然这种救济体系是以维护都铎王朝的封建统治为目的的,存在诸多缺陷,但是它对后世乃至其它国家都产生了重要影响,有重要的借鉴作用。

    Though the system aimed at maintaining the feudal government , it had an important effect on the later generation and other countries .

  27. 都铎王朝的开创者亨利七世为了巩固统治,采取了一系列财政措施扩大收入。

    In order to consolidate his rule , the founder of Tudor dynasty Henry VII took a series of financial steps to increase his revenue .

  28. 英国都铎王朝时期,自亨利八世(1509-1547)起至伊丽莎白一世(1558-1603)的数十年间,进行了自上而下的宗教改革运动。

    Under the Tudor , from Henry ⅷ( 1509 1547 ) to Elizabeth ⅰ ( 1558 1603 ), proceeded the reformation which from above to below .

  29. 在都铎王朝时期,男人穿紧身上衣和紧身短裤,脖子上戴宽而硬的轮状皱领。

    Woman 's elastic corset rolled on over the hips In the times of the Tudors , a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff .

  30. 都铎王朝晚期,由于来自外部环境的威胁更加突出,因此国内阶级矛盾得以被控制在一个相对平和的状态。

    During the later years of Tudor dynasty , conflicts between different social classes were kept under control , because the international environment of Tudor England was more threatening .